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Instant convolution shadows for volumetric detail mapping

Published:08 October 2013Publication History
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In this article, we present a method for rendering dynamic scenes featuring translucent procedural volumetric detail with all-frequency soft shadows being cast from objects residing inside the view frustum. Our approach is based on an approximation of physically correct shadows from distant Gaussian area light sources positioned behind the view plane, using iterative convolution. We present a theoretical and empirical analysis of this model and propose an efficient class of convolution kernels which provide high quality at interactive frame rates. Our GPU-based implementation supports arbitrary volumetric detail maps, requires no precomputation, and therefore allows for real-time modification of all rendering parameters.

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Index Terms

  1. Instant convolution shadows for volumetric detail mapping



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        ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 32, Issue 5
        September 2013
        142 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

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        Publication History

        • Published: 8 October 2013
        • Accepted: 1 May 2013
        • Revised: 1 December 2012
        • Received: 1 August 2011
        Published in tog Volume 32, Issue 5


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