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DNS-based Internet Client Clustering and CharacterizationJune 2001
2001 Technical Report
  • Boston University
  • Office of Information Technology 111 Cummington St. Boston, MA
  • United States
Published:05 June 2001
Skip Abstract Section

Abstract This paper proposes a novel protocol which uses the Internet Domain Name System (DNS) to partition Web clients into disjoint sets, each of which is associated with a single DNS server. We define an L-DNS cluster to be a grouping of Web Clients that use the same Local DNS server to resolve Internet host names. We identify such clusters in real-time using data obtained from a Web Server in conjunction with that server''s Authoritative DNS---both instrumented with an implementation of our clustering algorithm. Using these clusters, we perform measurements from four distinct Internet locations. Our results show that L-DNS clustering enables a better estimation of proximity of a Web Client to a Web Server than previously proposed techniques. Thus, in a Content Distribution Network, a DNS-based scheme that redirects a request from a web client to one of many servers based on the client''s name server coordinates (e.g., hops/latency/loss-rates between the client and servers) would perform better with our algorithm.

  • Boston University
  • Boston University
