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Programming C#: A Guide for Experienced (VB) ProgrammersOctober 2002
  • APress L. P.
Published:01 October 2002
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From the Publisher:

C# is a modern, object-oriented language that enables programers to quickly build a wide range of applications for the new Microsoft .NET platform, which provides tools and services that fully exploit both computing and communications. Because of its elegant object-oriented design, C# is a great choice for architecting a wide range of components - from high-level business objects to system-level applications. Using simple C# language constructs, these components can be converted into XML Web services, allowing them to be invoked across the Internet, from any language running on any operating system. In "Programing C#: A Guide for Experienced (VB) Programmers", Gary Cornell carefully explains the exciting features of C#. All experienced Visual Basic programmers wishing to take advantage of the amazing new powers of C# will benefit from Cornell's treatment of fundamental topics, including inheritance, interfaces, and exception handling, as well as the powerful new features, such as stream-based I/O and true multithreading. Cornell writes from the point of view of an experienced programmer, with constant references to the difference between C# and VB.NET. Developers learn how to use C# for database programming through ADO.NET and Web programming through ASP.NET. After reading "Programming C#: A Guide for Experienced (VB) Programmers", developers will have a firm grasp of the exciting new C# language and its uses in creating powerful .NET applications.

  • University of Connecticut
