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Human-Computer InteractionApril 1994
  • Addison-Wesley Longman Ltd.
  • Edinburgh Gate Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE
  • United Kingdom
Published:01 April 1994
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From the Publisher:

Offering the most comprehensive account of the multidisciplinary field of HCI, this book illustrates the powerful benefits of a user-oriented approach to the design of modern computer systems. It balances the technical and cognitive issues required for understanding the subtle interplay between people and computers, particularly in emerging fields like multimedia, virtual environments and computer supported cooperative work (CSCW). A unique feature is the inclusion of interviews with many leading authorities in HCI, providing personal insight into their work and conveying the excitement of current research activity: Deborah Hix, Roy Kalawsky, Marilyn Mantei, Tom Moran, Donald Norman, Brian Shackel, Ben Shneiderman, Bill Verplank, and Terry Winograd. Human-Computer Interaction is flexibly structured to allow a variety of learning paths for students in computer science, engineering, psychology and cognitive science. Programmers and system designers will appreciate its emphasis on the design of interactive systems.

Cited By

  1. AL-Sayid F and Kirkil G (2023). Exploring non-linear relationships between perceived interactivity or interface design and acceptance of collaborative web-based learning, Education and Information Technologies, 28:9, (11819-11866), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2023.
  2. Mansur S, Salma S, Awofisayo D and Moran K AidUI: Toward Automated Recognition of Dark Patterns in User Interfaces Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Software Engineering, (1958-1970)
  3. Mansur S Toward Automated Tools to Support Ethical GUI Design Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings, (294-298)
  4. ACM
    Fell J, Kuo P, Greene T and Wang J (2022). A Biocentric Perspective on HCI Design Research Involving Plants, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 29:5, (1-37), Online publication date: 31-Oct-2022.
  5. Miller M, Yang Y, Kosko K, Ferdig R, Lu C and Guan Q Empeiría: Powering Future Education Training Systems with Device Agnostic Web-VR Apps Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Industrial and Everyday Life Applications, (287-300)
  6. ACM
    Adinda P and Suzianti A Redesign of user interface for e-government application using usability testing method Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing, (145-149)
  7. Gonçalves R, Rocha T, Martins J, Branco F and Au-Yong-Oliveira M (2018). Evaluation of e-commerce websites accessibility and usability, Universal Access in the Information Society, 17:3, (567-583), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2018.
  8. Chakraborty B, Sarma D, Bhuyan M and MacDorman K (2018). Review of constraints on vision‐based gesture recognition for human–computer interaction, IET Computer Vision, 12:1, (3-15), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2018.
  9. Rocha L, Andrade R, Sampaio A and Lelli V Heuristics to Evaluate the Usability of Ubiquitous Systems Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions, (120-141)
  10. (2017). Unity in Variety in website aesthetics, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 103:C, (48-62), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2017.
  11. Rizzi A, Fogli D and Barricelli B (2017). A new approach to perceptual assessment of human-computer interfaces, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76:5, (7381-7399), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2017.
  12. ACM
    Spirin N, Kotov A, Karahalios K, Mladenov V and Izhutov P A Comparative Study of Query-biased and Non-redundant Snippets for Structured Search on Mobile Devices Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, (2389-2394)
  13. Majrashi K, Hamilton M and Uitdenbogerd A Cross-platform cross-cultural user experience Proceedings of the 30th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference: Fusion!, (1-13)
  14. ACM
    Hasan L and Al-Sarayreh K An Integrated Measurement Model for Evaluating Usability Attributes Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing, Security and Advanced Communication, (1-6)
  15. ACM
    Murillo S, Sánchez J and Sánchez-Lara E Enhancing Interfaces for Network Security Administrators with Legacy Attributes Proceedings of the Latin American Conference on Human Computer Interaction, (1-8)
  16. ACM
    Piffer I, Schuh Â, Mossmann J and Bez M Intellectus Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1-9)
  17. ACM
    Romani L, Magalhães G, Bambini M and Evangelista S Improving digital ecosystems for agriculture Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Management of computational and collective intElligence in Digital EcoSystems, (234-241)
  18. ACM
    Di Iorio A, Giannella R, Poggi F, Peroni S and Vitali F Exploring Scholarly Papers Through Citations Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, (107-116)
  19. Chalkia E, Bekiaris E and Madrid R Evaluating All-Inclusive ICT with Developers, End Users and Stakeholders Proceedings, Part I, of the First International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Aging - Volume 9193, (157-165)
  20. ACM
    Di Iorio A, Giannella R, Poggi F and Vitali F Exploring Bibliographies for Research-related Tasks Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, (1001-1006)
  21. ACM
    Lee S, Chung A, Cira N and Riedel-Kruse I Tangible Interactive Microbiology for Informal Science Education Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, (273-280)
  22. ACM
    Mokhtar S and Anuar S Learning application for Malaysian sign language Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, (1-6)
  23. ACM
    Gomes R, Costa F, da Rocha R and Georgantas N A middleware-based approach for QoS-aware deployment of service choreography in the cloud Proceedings of the 11th Middleware Doctoral Symposium, (1-4)
  24. ACM
    Rind A, Aigner W, Wagner M, Miksch S and Lammarsch T User tasks for evaluation Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Beyond Time and Errors: Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization, (9-15)
  25. Barros E and Prates R Uma análise comparativa dos modelos de sistemas colaborativos fundamentados na engenharia semiótica Proceedings of the 13th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (81-90)
  26. ACM
    Murillo S and Sánchez J Empowering Interfaces for System Administrators Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, (1-4)
  27. ACM
    López-Gil J, Urretavizcaya M, Losada B and Fernández-Castro I Integrating Field Studies in Agile Development to Evaluate Usability on Context Dependant Mobile Applications Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, (1-8)
  28. ACM
    Yelizarov A and Gamayunov D Adaptive Visualization Interface That Manages User's Cognitive Load Based on Interaction Characteristics Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction, (1-8)
  29. Mattos B, Pereira R and Prates R Can Users Speak for Themselves? Investigating Users Ability to Identify Their Own Interactive Breakdowns 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Theories, Methods, and Tools - Volume 8510, (521-532)
  30. Mor E, Garreta-Domingo M, Hettiarachchi E and Ferran N Teaching and Learning HCI Online 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Theories, Methods, and Tools - Volume 8510, (230-241)
  31. Boscarioli C, Silveira M, Prates R, Bim S and Barbosa S Charting the Landscape of HCI Education in Brazil 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Theories, Methods, and Tools - Volume 8510, (177-186)
  32. ACM
    Pereira P, Bernardino J and Pedrosa I Decision support portal to higher education degree selection Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems and Design of Communication, (155-160)
  33. ACM
    Machado Neto O and Pimentel M Heuristics for the assessment of interfaces of mobile devices Proceedings of the 19th Brazilian symposium on Multimedia and the web, (93-96)
  34. Barbosa S and de M. Gonçalves G Uso da MoLIC WOz como ferramenta de apoio a avaliação formativa baseada em diagrama de interação MoLIC Proceedings of the 12th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (228-237)
  35. Valentim N, da Silva T, Silveira M and Conte T Estudo comparativo entre técnicas de inspeção de usabilidade sobre diagramas de atividades Proceedings of the 12th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (92-101)
  36. Okazawa N and Yamaoka T A proposal of design method of obtaining the construction items of mental models in product design Proceedings of the Second international conference on Design, User Experience, and Usability: web, mobile, and product design - Volume Part IV, (408-413)
  37. Fernandes F, Paschoarelli L and da Silva J Evaluating interaction with websites Proceedings of the Second international conference on Design, User Experience, and Usability: web, mobile, and product design - Volume Part IV, (265-273)
  38. ACM
    Hedegaard S and Simonsen J Extracting usability and user experience information from online user reviews Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2089-2098)
  39. ACM
    Robertson T, Durick J, Brereton M, Vetere F, Howard S and Nansen B Knowing our users Proceedings of the 24th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, (517-520)
  40. ACM
    Wang F and Gu L The critical success factors for websites for Chinese migrant farmer workers Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, (95-104)
  41. ACM
    Pohl M Methodologies for the analysis of usage patterns in information visualization Proceedings of the 2012 BELIV Workshop: Beyond Time and Errors - Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization, (1-3)
  42. Becce G, Mariani L, Riganelli O and Santoro M Extracting widget descriptions from GUIs Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, (347-361)
  43. Pilgrim C Website navigation tools Proceedings of the Thirteenth Australasian User Interface Conference - Volume 126, (3-10)
  44. Costabile M and Buono P Principles for human-centred design of IR interfaces Proceedings of the 2012 international conference on Information Retrieval Meets Information Visualization, (28-47)
  45. ACM
    Menzies R Developing for autism with user-centred design The proceedings of the 13th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility, (313-314)
  46. ACM
    Lundgren S and Hjulström M Alchemy Proceedings of the 15th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments, (53-60)
  47. Delavari N, Said N, Ibrahim R and Abdullah M (2011). HCI to engage design team members in IT-integrated design collaboration process, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, 8:9, (341-355), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2011.
  48. Yamada Y, Ishihara K and Yamaoka T A study on an usability measurement based on the mental model Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Universal access in human-computer interaction: design for all and eInclusion - Volume Part I, (168-173)
  49. Maekawa M and Yamaoka T Use-state analysis to find domains to be re-designed Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Universal access in human-computer interaction: design for all and eInclusion - Volume Part I, (80-89)
  50. Iglesias J and Teixeira-Faria P User interface representation using simple components Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Human-computer interaction: design and development approaches - Volume Part I, (278-287)
  51. Zayas B and Bustos J Designing a 3D desktop virtual environment for teaching Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Computers and computing, (125-130)
  52. ACM
    Jeon M and Walker B (2011). Spindex (Speech Index) Improves Auditory Menu Acceptance and Navigation Performance, ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, 3:3, (1-26), Online publication date: 14-Apr-2011.
  53. Wu I and Wu C (2011). Using internal link and social network analysis to support searches in Wikipedia, Journal of Information Science, 37:2, (189-207), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2011.
  54. Khoo B (2011). User Interface Design Pedagogy, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 7:1, (1-10), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2011.
  55. ACM
    Menzies R (2011). Promoting sharing behaviours in children through the use of a customised novel computer system, ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing:99, (30-36), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2011.
  56. ACM
    Lehane P Designing interactions for the collective user experience Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group of Australia on Computer-Human Interaction, (120-127)
  57. Granić A and Nakić J Enhancing the learning experience Proceedings of the 6th international conference on HCI in work and learning, life and leisure: workgroup human-computer interaction and usability engineering, (384-399)
  58. Granić A and Nakić J Enhancing the Learning Experience 6th Symposium of the Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering on HCI in Work and Learning, Life and Leisure - Volume 6389, (384-399)
  59. ACM
    Christensen L and Frøkjær E Distributed usability evaluation Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries, (118-127)
  60. ACM
    Botha A, Herselman M and van Greunen D Mobile user experience in a mlearning environment Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, (29-38)
  61. Nixon M, Pasquier P and El-Nasr M DelsArtMap Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Intelligent virtual agents, (139-145)
  62. Silva P BadIdeas 3.0 Proceedings of the 1st DESIRE Network Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design, (154-162)
  63. ACM
    Oksman V, Tammela A, Mitchell K, Ishmael J, Rouncefield M and Race N User perception and requirements for future IPTV services Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video, (1-4)
  64. ACM
    Pohl M, Wiltner S and Miksch S Exploring information visualization Proceedings of the 3rd BELIV'10 Workshop: BEyond time and errors: novel evaLuation methods for Information Visualization, (16-23)
  65. ACM
    Maitland J and Chalmers M Self-monitoring, self-awareness, and self-determination in cardiac rehabilitation Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1213-1222)
  66. ACM
    Butler K, Hunt A, Muehleisen J, Zhang J and Huffer B Ontology models for interaction design CHI '10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (4525-4540)
  67. Kim H, Choi H and Kim J (2010). A Comparative Study of the Effects of Low and High Uncertainty Avoidance on Continuance Behavior, Journal of Global Information Management, 18:2, (1-29), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2010.
  68. Khoo B (2010). User Interface Design Pedagogy, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 6:1, (96-105), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2010.
  69. Traver V (2010). On compiler error messages, Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, 2010, (1-26), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2010.
  70. ACM
    Mantoro T Metrics evaluation for context-aware computing Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, (574-578)
  71. Donyina A and Heckel R Formal Visual Modelling of Human Agents in Service Oriented Systems Proceedings of the 2009 Fourth South-East European Workshop on Formal Methods, (25-32)
  72. ACM
    Sambasivan N, Ventä L, Mäntyjärvi J, Isomursu M and Häkkilä J Designing for social context of mobility Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group: Design: Open 24/7, (137-144)
  73. Mosqueira-Rey E, Alonso-Ríos D and Moret-Bonillo V Usability taxonomy and context-of-use taxonomy for usability analysis Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE international conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, (812-817)
  74. ACM
    Oksman V, Tammela A and Mäkelä T iTV and changing social interactions Proceedings of the 13th International MindTrek Conference: Everyday Life in the Ubiquitous Era, (128-134)
  75. ACM
    McFarlane D and Wilder S Interactive dirt Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Ubiquitous computing, (205-214)
  76. Buxton T, Tarrell A and Fruhling A Heuristic Evaluation of Mission-Critical Software Using a Large Team Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Part IV: Interacting in Various Application Domains, (673-682)
  77. ACM
    Bateman S, Gutwin C, Osgood N and McCalla G Interactive usability instrumentation Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems, (45-54)
  78. Moreno L, Martínez P and Ruiz-Mezcua B Integrating HCI in a Web Accessibility Engineering Approach Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Part III: Applications and Services, (745-754)
  79. ACM
    McKnight L and Read J Designing the 'record' button Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, (258-261)
  80. Alseid M and Rigas D Users' views of facial expressions and body gestures in e-learning interfaces Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Software engineering, parallel and distributed systems, (121-126)
  81. ACM
    Cronholm S and Bruno V Do you need general principles or concrete heuristics? Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction: Designing for Habitus and Habitat, (105-111)
  82. ACM
    Clear T, Whalley J, Hill J, Liu Y, Pears A and Plimmer B A global software project Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing Education Research, (41-50)
  83. ACM
    Lopes R and Carriço L On the credibility of wikipedia Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Information credibility on the web, (27-34)
  84. ACM
    Jumisko-Pyykkö S, Weitzel M and Strohmeier D Designing for user experience Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Designing interactive user experiences for TV and video, (183-192)
  85. Filardi A and Traina A Montando questionários para medir a satisfação do usuário Proceedings of the VIII Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (176-185)
  86. Holzinger A, Schaupp K and Eder-Halbedl W An Investigation on Acceptance of Ubiquitous Devices for the Elderly in a Geriatric Hospital Environment Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, (22-29)
  87. ACM
    Sylaiou S, Economou M, Karoulis A and White M (2008). The evaluation of ARCO, Computers in Entertainment, 6:2, (1-18), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2008.
  88. ACM
    Lopes R and Carriço L The impact of accessibility assessment in macro scale universal usability studies of the web Proceedings of the 2008 international cross-disciplinary conference on Web accessibility (W4A), (5-14)
  89. ACM
    Di Iorio A, Vitali F and Zacchiroli S Wiki content templating Proceedings of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web, (615-624)
  90. ACM
    Bernareggi C, Comaschi C, Marcante A, Mussio P, Parasiliti Provenza L and Vanzi S A multimodal interactive system to create and explore graph structures CHI '08 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2697-2702)
  91. ACM
    Tudoreanu M and Kraemer E A study of the performance of steering tasks under spatial transformation of input Proceedings of the 46th Annual Southeast Regional Conference on XX, (340-345)
  92. L. J Knowledge management in the ubiquitous software development Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Forensic applications and techniques in telecommunications, information, and multimedia and workshop, (1-4)
  93. ACM
    Paay J and Kjeldskov J A Gestalt theoretic perspective on the user experience of location-based services Proceedings of the 19th Australasian conference on Computer-Human Interaction: Entertaining User Interfaces, (283-290)
  94. de Paula M and Barbosa S Investigating the role of a model-based boundary object in facilitating the communication between interaction designers and software engineers Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Task models and diagrams for user interface design, (273-278)
  95. Fassbender E and Richards D Using a dance pad to navigate through the virtual heritage environment of macquarie lighthouse, Sydney Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Virtual systems and multimedia, (1-12)
  96. Sottet J, Ganneau V, Calvary G, Coutaz J, Demeure A, Favre J and Demumieux R Model-driven adaptation for plastic user interfaces Proceedings of the 11th IFIP TC 13 international conference on Human-computer interaction, (397-410)
  97. ACM
    Wang H Are icons used in existing computer interfaces obstacles to Taiwanese computer users? Proceedings of the 14th European conference on Cognitive ergonomics: invent! explore!, (199-202)
  98. Fadzlah A and Deraman A Measuring the usability of software applications Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Computational science and Its applications - Volume Part II, (448-454)
  99. Sandberg K and Pan Y The role of human factors in design and implementation of electronic public information systems Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Engineering psychology and cognitive ergonomics, (164-173)
  100. Kunert T and Krömker H A pattern-based framework for the exploration of design alternatives Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Human-computer interaction: interaction design and usability, (1119-1128)
  101. Göktürk M and Çetin G Out of box experience issues of free and open source software Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Human-computer interaction: interaction design and usability, (774-783)
  102. Jensen J Evaluating in a healthcare setting Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Human-computer interaction: interaction design and usability, (508-516)
  103. Gómez-Carnero S and Iglesias J Evaluator of user's actions (Eua) using the model of abstract representation Dgaui Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Human-computer interaction: interaction design and usability, (463-471)
  104. Ferre X and Medinilla N How a human-centered approach impacts software development Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Human-computer interaction: interaction design and usability, (68-77)
  105. Nieminen M, Mannonen P and Viitanen J International remote usability evaluation Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Usability and internationalization, (388-397)
  106. Nielsen L and Chavan S Differences in task descriptions in the think aloud test Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Usability and internationalization, (174-180)
  107. Kim B, Dong Y, Kim S and Lee K Development of integrated analysis system and tool of perception, recognition, and behavior for web usability test Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Usability and internationalization, (113-121)
  108. Costabile M, Fogli D, Lanzilotti R, Marcante A, Mussio P, Provenza L and Piccinno A Meta-design to face co-evolution and communication gaps between users and designers Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Universal access in human computer interaction: coping with diversity, (46-55)
  109. Su K, Lee C and Chen L An empirical study of developing an adaptive location-based services interface on smartphone Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Universal access in human-computer interaction: ambient interaction, (556-564)
  110. Granic A and Ćukušić M Universal design within the context of e-learning Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Universal access in human-computer interaction: applications and services, (617-626)
  111. ACM
    Valtolina S, Mussio P, Bagnasco G, Mazzoleni P, Franzoni S, Geroli M and Ridi C Media for knowledge creation and dissemination Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCHI conference on Creativity & cognition, (107-116)
  112. Fang X and Holsapple C (2007). An empirical study of web site navigation structures' impacts on web site usability, Decision Support Systems, 43:2, (476-491), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2007.
  113. Oaks P and Hofstede A (2007). Guided interaction, Information Systems Frontiers, 9:1, (29-51), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2007.
  114. Chun J, Kwon O and Park P A robust 3d face pose estimation and facial expression control for vision-based animation Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Multimedia Modeling - Volume Part I, (700-708)
  115. Poppe R, Rienks R and van Dijk B Evaluating the future of HCI Proceedings of the ICMI 2006 and IJCAI 2007 international conference on Artifical intelligence for human computing, (234-250)
  116. Gena C and Weibelzahl S Usability engineering for the adaptive web The adaptive web, (720-762)
  117. ACM
    Holz H, Applin A, Haberman B, Joyce D, Purchase H and Reed C (2006). Research methods in computing, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 38:4, (96-114), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2006.
  118. ACM
    Sena C and Santos C Desenvolvimento de interfaces multimodais a partir da integração de comandos vocais à interface gráfica Proceedings of VII Brazilian symposium on Human factors in computing systems, (31-39)
  119. ACM
    Stevens G and Wiedenhöfer T CHIC - a pluggable solution for community help in context Proceedings of the 4th Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction: changing roles, (212-221)
  120. González M, Collazos C and Granollers T Guidelines and usability principles to design and test shared-knowledge awareness for a CSCL interface Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Groupware: design, implementation, and use, (102-117)
  121. ACM
    Li C and Willis K Modeling context aware interaction for wayfinding using mobile devices Proceedings of the 8th conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services, (97-100)
  122. ACM
    Holz H, Applin A, Haberman B, Joyce D, Purchase H and Reed C Research methods in computing Working group reports on ITiCSE on Innovation and technology in computer science education, (96-114)
  123. Shah R and Kesan J Policy through software defaults Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Digital government research, (265-272)
  124. ACM
    Sklar E and Richards D The use of agents in human learning systems Proceedings of the fifth international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems, (767-774)
  125. ACM
    Guan Z, Lee S, Cuddihy E and Ramey J The validity of the stimulated retrospective think-aloud method as measured by eye tracking Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1253-1262)
  126. van Zwol R, Baas J, van Oostendorp H and Wiering F Bricks Proceedings of the 28th European conference on Advances in Information Retrieval, (314-325)
  127. Chang D and Nesbitt K Developing Gestalt-based design guidelines for multi-sensory displays Proceedings of the 2005 NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop - Volume 57, (9-16)
  128. ACM
    Karoulis A (2006). Evaluating the LEGO--RoboLab interface with experts, Computers in Entertainment, 4:2, (6-es), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2006.
  129. Ferreira J, Noble J and Biddle R A case for iconic icons Proceedings of the 7th Australasian User interface conference - Volume 50, (97-100)
  130. ACM
    Pansanato L and Fortes R Strategies for automatic LOM metadata generating in a web-based CSCL tool Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the web, (1-8)
  131. Bradley N and Dunlop M (2005). Toward a multidisciplinary model of context to support context-aware computing, Human-Computer Interaction, 20:4, (403-446), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2005.
  132. Powell A Composite metaphor, games and interface Proceedings of the second Australasian conference on Interactive entertainment, (159-162)
  133. Lehane P and Huf S Towards understanding system acceptance Proceedings of the 17th Australia conference on Computer-Human Interaction: Citizens Online: Considerations for Today and the Future, (1-9)
  134. Graham C, Cheverst K and Rouncefield M Technology for the humdrum Proceedings of the 17th Australia conference on Computer-Human Interaction: Citizens Online: Considerations for Today and the Future, (1-10)
  135. Gaitatzes A, Christopoulos D and Papaioannou G Virtual reality systems and applications Proceedings of the 10th Panhellenic conference on Advances in Informatics, (155-165)
  136. ACM
    Harrison B, Cozzi A and Moran T Roles and relationships for unified activity management Proceedings of the 2005 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, (236-245)
  137. ACM
    Martinet J, Chiaramella Y and Mulhem P A model for weighting image objects in home photographs Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management, (760-767)
  138. ACM
    Tanaka E, Bim S and da Rocha H Comparing accessibility evaluation and usability evaluation in HagáQuê Proceedings of the 2005 Latin American conference on Human-computer interaction, (139-147)
  139. ACM
    Iqbal R and Every P Scenario based method for teaching, learning and assessment Proceedings of the 6th conference on Information technology education, (261-266)
  140. McKay E Human-computer interaction closes the digital divide Proceedings of the 2005 South East Asia Regional Computer Science Confederation (SEARCC) Conference - Volume 46, (29-33)
  141. Martinez R and Enkerud T The importance of single-source engineering of emergency and process shutdown systems Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, (13-23)
  142. ACM
    Kang N and Yoon W A cognitive modeling of the user's exploratory behavior with prior knowledge Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Task models and diagrams, (35-42)
  143. ACM
    Sefelin R, Bechinie M, Müller R, Seibert-Giller V, Messner P and Tscheligi M Landmarks: yes; but which? Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices & services, (287-290)
  144. Konagaya T, Shintani T, Ozono T, Ito T and Nishi K Big Blackboard Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, (112-115)
  145. Vera A, John B, Remington R, Matessa M and Freed M (2005). Automating human-performance modeling at the millisecond level, Human-Computer Interaction, 20:3, (225-265), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2005.
  146. ACM
    Cox D (2005). A pragmatic HCI approach, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 37:3, (39-43), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2005.
  147. Folmer E and Bosch J Case studies on Analyzing Software Architectures for Usability Proceedings of the 31st EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, (206-213)
  148. ACM
    Cox D A pragmatic HCI approach Proceedings of the 10th annual SIGCSE conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, (39-43)
  149. Ferre X, Juristo N and Moreno A Framework for integrating usability practices into the software process Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, (202-215)
  150. ACM
    Vainio T, Hakkarainen K and Levonen J Visualizing complex medical phenomena for medical students CHI '05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1857-1860)
  151. ACM
    Gnanayutham P, Bloor C and Cockton G Discrete acceleration and personalised tiling as brain?body interface paradigms for neurorehabilitation Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (261-270)
  152. Ilioudi C, Lazakidou A and Andreou A Study of social, ethical and human-computer interaction aspects of the MEDARIST II system Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications, (1-4)
  153. Gaitatzes A, Christopoulos D and Papaioannou G The ancient olympic games Proceedings of the 5th International conference on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage, (19-28)
  154. Tianfield H and Wang R (2004). Critic Systems -- Towards Human--Computer Collaborative Problem Solving, Artificial Intelligence Review, 22:4, (271-295), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2004.
  155. ACM
    Kjeldskov J, Skov M and Stage J Instant data analysis Proceedings of the third Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction, (233-240)
  156. ACM
    Dragicevic P and Fekete J Support for input adaptability in the ICON toolkit Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Multimodal interfaces, (212-219)
  157. ACM
    Cheng C and Beaumont C (2004). Evaluating the effectiveness of ICT to support globally distributed PBL teams, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 36:3, (47-51), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2004.
  158. ACM
    Schadle I and Poirier F Sibylle Proceedings of the 16th Conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine, (141-146)
  159. ACM
    Oostveen A and van den Besselaar P From small scale to large scale user participation Proceedings of the eighth conference on Participatory design: Artful integration: interweaving media, materials and practices - Volume 1, (173-182)
  160. Folmer E, van Gurp J and Bosch J Software architecture analysis of usability Proceedings of the 2004 international conference on Engineering Human Computer Interaction and Interactive Systems, (38-58)
  161. ACM
    Cheng C and Beaumont C Evaluating the effectiveness of ICT to support globally distributed PBL teams Proceedings of the 9th annual SIGCSE conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, (47-51)
  162. ACM
    Fogli D, Fresta G and Mussio P On electronic annotation and its implementation Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, (98-102)
  163. ACM
    John B, Prevas K, Salvucci D and Koedinger K Predictive human performance modeling made easy Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (455-462)
  164. Müller M (2004). Can user models be learned at all? Inherent problems in machine learning for user modelling, The Knowledge Engineering Review, 19:1, (61-88), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2004.
  165. Christoph N Empirical evaluation methodology for embodied conversational agents From brows to trust, (67-99)
  166. ACM
    Egloff T (2004). Edutainment, Computers in Entertainment, 2:1, (13-13), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2004.
  167. Abran A, Khelifi A, Suryn W and Seffah A (2003). Usability Meanings and Interpretations in ISO Standards, Software Quality Journal, 11:4, (325-338), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2003.
  168. ACM
    Rozanski E and Haake A The many facets of HCI Proceedings of the 4th conference on Information technology curriculum, (180-185)
  169. ACM
    Rozanski E and Schaller N (2003). Integrating usability engineering into the computer science curriculum, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 35:3, (202-206), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2003.
  170. ACM
    Silveira M, de Souza C and Barbosa S A method of Semiotic engineering for the online help systems construction Proceedings of the Latin American conference on Human-computer interaction, (167-177)
  171. Fernández-Caballero A, López-Jaquero V, Montero F and González P Adaptive interaction multi-agent systems in E-learning/E-teaching on the web Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Web engineering, (144-153)
  172. Moffett S and McAdam R (2003). Contributing and enabling technologies for knowledge management, International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 2:1-2, (31-49), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2003.
  173. ACM
    Read J, MacFarlane S and Casey C What's going on? Proceedings of the 2003 conference on Interaction design and children, (135-140)
  174. ACM
    Rozanski E and Schaller N Integrating usability engineering into the computer science curriculum Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, (202-206)
  175. ACM
    Patrick A, Long A and Flinn S HCI and security systems CHI '03 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1056-1057)
  176. Bianchi A, Caivano D, Marengo V and Visaggio G (2003). Iterative Reengineering of Legacy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 29:3, (225-241), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2003.
  177. Bajaj A and Krishnan R CMU-WEB Advanced topics in database research vol. 1, (230-249)
  178. Egea K Managing the managers Proceedings of the fifth Australasian conference on Computing education - Volume 20, (87-94)
  179. Fisher J Human factors and the systems development process Socio-technical and human cognition elements of information systems, (203-222)
  180. Fabricatore C, Nussbaum M and Rosas R (2002). Playability in action videogames, Human-Computer Interaction, 17:4, (311-368), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2002.
  181. ACM
    Pekkola S Critical approach to 3D virtual realities for group work Proceedings of the second Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction, (129-138)
  182. ACM
    Nielsen J, Clemmensen T and Yssing C Getting access to what goes on in people's heads? Proceedings of the second Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction, (101-110)
  183. ACM
    Artman H Procurer usability requirements Proceedings of the second Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction, (61-70)
  184. Cho C and Yang H Body-Based Interfaces Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces
  185. Delisle S and Moulin B (2002). User interfaces and help systems, Artificial Intelligence Review, 18:2, (117-157), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2002.
  186. Singh S and Kotzé P Towards a framework for e-commerce usability Proceedings of the 2002 annual research conference of the South African institute of computer scientists and information technologists on Enablement through technology, (2-10)
  187. ACM
    Duncker E Cross-cultural usability of the library metaphor Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries, (223-230)
  188. Chang D, Dooley L and Tuovinen J Gestalt theory in visual screen design Proceedings of the Seventh world conference on computers in education conference on Computers in education: Australian topics - Volume 8, (5-12)
  189. Stalker R and Smith I (2002). Structural monitoring using engineer–computer interaction, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 16:3, (203-218), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2002.
  190. ACM
    Arondi S, Baroni P, Fogli D and Mussio P Supporting co-evolution of users and systems by the recognition of interaction patterns Proceedings of the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, (177-186)
  191. Barker T, Jones S, Britton C and Messer D (2002). The Use of a Co-operative Student Model of Learner Characteristics to Configure a Multimedia Application, User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 12:2-3, (207-241), Online publication date: 19-Mar-2002.
  192. ACM
    Hauglid J and Midtstraum R SESAM Proceedings of the 2002 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (418-425)
  193. McFarlane D and Latorella K (2002). The scope and importance of human interruption in human-computer interaction design, Human-Computer Interaction, 17:1, (1-61), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2002.
  194. ACM
    Weinberg J and Stephen M (2002). Participatory design in a human-computer interaction course, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 34:1, (237-241), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2002.
  195. ACM
    Weinberg J and Stephen M Participatory design in a human-computer interaction course Proceedings of the 33rd SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, (237-241)
  196. Manninen T (2002). Contextual Virtual Interaction as Part of Ubiquitous Game Design and Development, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 6:5-6, (390-406), Online publication date: 12-Jan-2002.
  197. Gerhard M, Moore D and Hobbs D An experimental study of the effect of presence in collaborative virtual environments Intelligent agents for mobile and virtual media, (113-123)
  198. Redish J and Wixon D Task analysis The human-computer interaction handbook, (922-940)
  199. Pagulayan R, Keeker K, Wixon D, Romero R and Fuller T User-centered design in games The human-computer interaction handbook, (883-906)
  200. Smith P and Geddes N A cognitive systems engineering approach to the design of decision support systems The human-computer interaction handbook, (656-676)
  201. Pew R Evolution of human-computer interaction The human-computer interaction handbook, (1-17)
  202. Pistolesi G How synthetic characters can help decision making Decision making support systems, (239-256)
  203. Noble J, Biddle R and Tempero E (2002). Metaphor and metonymy in object-oriented design patterns, Australian Computer Science Communications, 24:1, (187-195), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2002.
  204. Noble J, Biddle R and Tempero E Metaphor and metonymy in object-oriented design patterns Proceedings of the twenty-fifth Australasian conference on Computer science - Volume 4, (187-195)
  205. Goguen J and Lin K (2001). Web-Based Support for Cooperative Software Engineering, Annals of Software Engineering, 12:1, (167-191), Online publication date: 28-Dec-2001.
  206. Willshire M (2001). A usability focus for an HCI project, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 17:2, (50-58), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2001.
  207. Amant R and Young R (2001). Interface Agents in Model World Environments, AI Magazine, 22:4, (95-107), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2001.
  208. Passig D and Levin H (2001). The Interaction between Gender, Age, and Multimedia Interface Design, Education and Information Technologies, 6:4, (241-250), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2001.
  209. Bianchi A, Caivano D, Marengo V and Visaggio G Iterative Reengineering of Legacy Functions Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'01)
  210. Rinne K Aquae Urbis Romae Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM'01)
  211. Aguilo C, Lores J and Junyent E Enhanced Cultural Heritage Environments by Augmented Reality Systems Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM'01)
  212. Griswold W, Yuan J and Kato Y Exploiting the map metaphor in a tool for software evolution Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering, (265-274)
  213. ACM
    Lopes J Designing user interfaces for severely handicapped persons Proceedings of the 2001 EC/NSF workshop on Universal accessibility of ubiquitous computing: providing for the elderly, (100-106)
  214. ACM
    Field A, Hartel P and Mooij W Personal DJ, an architecture for personalised content delivery Proceedings of the 10th international conference on World Wide Web, (1-7)
  215. ACM
    Yeo A Global-software development lifecycle Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (104-111)
  216. Garrity E (2001). Synthesizing User Centered and Designer Centered IS Development Approaches Using General Systems Theory, Information Systems Frontiers, 3:1, (107-121), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2001.
  217. Vilain P, Schwabe D and de Souza C A diagrammatic tool for representing user interaction in UML Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on The unified modeling language: advancing the standard, (133-147)
  218. Leikas J, Väätänen A and Räty V Virtual Space Computer Games with a Floor Sensor Control - Human Centred Approach in the Design Process Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Haptic Human-Computer Interaction, (199-204)
  219. ACM
    Prates R, Barbosa S and de Souza C A case study for evaluating interface design through communicability Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques, (308-316)
  220. ACM
    Tollmar K, Junestrand S and Torgny O Virtually living together Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques, (83-91)
  221. ACM
    Spiliopoulou M (2000). Web usage mining for Web site evaluation, Communications of the ACM, 43:8, (127-134), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2000.
  222. ACM
    Quintana C, Fretz E, Krajcik J and Soloway E Evaluation criteria for scaffolding in learner-centered tools CHI '00 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (189-190)
  223. Lehane P, Toleman M and Benecke J Applying Ecological Interface Design to Experimental Apparatus Used to Monitor a Refrigeration Plant Proceedings of the First Australasian User Interface Conference
  224. ACM
    Prates R, de Souza C and Barbosa S (2000). Methods and tools: a method for evaluating the communicability of user interfaces, Interactions, 7:1, (31-38), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2000.
  225. Baumeister H, Koch N and Mandel L Towards a UML extension for hypermedia design Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on The unified modeling language: beyond the standard, (614-629)
  226. Amant R (1999). User interface affordances in a planning representation, Human-Computer Interaction, 14:3, (317-354), Online publication date: 1-Sep-1999.
  227. Everett S, Wauchope K and Pérez Quiñones M (1999). Creating natural language interfaces to VR systems, Virtual Reality, 4:2, (103-113), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1999.
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  232. Kladias N, Pantazidis T and Avagianos M A Virtual Reality Learning Environment Providing Access to Digital Museums Proceedings of the 1998 Conference on MultiMedia Modeling
  233. Olson G and Moran T (1998). Commentary on "Damaged merchandise?", Human-Computer Interaction, 13:3, (263-323), Online publication date: 1-Sep-1998.
  234. ACM
    Kay J and Kummerfeld B User interface design and programming for computer science majors Proceedings of the 3rd Australasian conference on Computer science education, (121-126)
  235. Griswold W, Chen M, Bowdidge R, Cabaniss J, Nguyen V and David Morgenthaler J (1998). Tool Support for Planning the Restructuring of Data Abstractions in Large Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 24:7, (534-558), Online publication date: 1-Jul-1998.
  236. Peschl M and Stary C (1998). The Role of Cognitive Modeling for User Interface Design Representations, Minds and Machines, 8:2, (203-236), Online publication date: 1-May-1998.
  237. ACM
    Hussam A, Ford B, Hyde J, Merayyan A, Plummer B and Anderson T Semantic highlighting CHI 98 Conference Summary on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (191-192)
  238. ACM
    Kay J and Kummerfeld B (1998). A problem-based interface design and programming course, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 30:1, (194-197), Online publication date: 1-Mar-1998.
  239. ACM
    Kay J and Kummerfeld B A problem-based interface design and programming course Proceedings of the twenty-ninth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, (194-197)
  240. Purchase H (1998). Defining Multimedia, IEEE MultiMedia, 5:1, (8-15), Online publication date: 1-Jan-1998.
  241. ACM
    Dunlop M (1997). Time, relevance and interaction modelling for information retrieval, ACM SIGIR Forum, 31:SI, (206-213), Online publication date: 2-Dec-1997.
  242. ACM
    Díz P and Aedo I (1997). A hypermedia course in Spanish informatics engineering, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 29:4, (58-61), Online publication date: 1-Dec-1997.
  243. ACM
    Doubleday A, Ryan M, Springett M and Sutcliffe A A comparison of usability techniques for evaluating design Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques, (101-110)
  244. ACM
    Dunlop M Time, relevance and interaction modelling for information retrieval Proceedings of the 20th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, (206-213)
  245. ACM
    Garzotto F, Mainetti L and Paolini P Designing model hypermedia applications Proceedings of the eighth ACM conference on Hypertext, (38-47)
  246. ACM
    Chin G, Rosson M and Carroll J Participatory analysis Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in computing systems, (162-169)
  247. ACM
    Tractinsky N Aesthetics and apparent usability Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in computing systems, (115-122)
  248. ACM
    Branham R and Tiritoglu A Design strategies and methods in interaction design CHI '97 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (224-225)
  249. ACM
    Perlman G Practical usability evaluation CHI '97 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (168-169)
  250. Bødker S (1996). Creating conditions for participation, Human-Computer Interaction, 11:3, (215-236), Online publication date: 1-Sep-1996.
  251. ACM
    Mulhem P and Nigay L Interactive information retrieval systems Proceedings of the 19th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, (326-334)
  252. ACM
    Rizzo A, Parlangeli O, Marchigiani E and Bagnara S (1996). The management of human errors in user-centered design, ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 28:3, (114-118), Online publication date: 1-Jul-1996.
  253. ACM
    Garzotto F, Mainetti L and Paolini P Modal navigation for hypermedia applications Proceedings of the workshop on Advanced visual interfaces, (59-66)
  254. ACM
    Casaday G and Rainis C Requirements, models, and prototypes for HCI design Conference Companion on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (361-362)
  255. ACM
    Perlman G Practical usability evaluation Conference Companion on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (348-349)
  256. ACM
    Sulaiman S Usability and the software production life cycle Conference Companion on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (61-62)
  257. ACM
    Orendorf J and Kacmar C A spatial approach to organizing and locating digital libraries and their content Proceedings of the first ACM international conference on Digital libraries, (83-89)
  258. ACM
    Scown P and McManus B (1996). Educating computer people about people & computers, ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 28:2, (28-31), Online publication date: 1-Apr-1996.
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    Gasen J (1996). HCI education, ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 28:1, (25-27), Online publication date: 1-Jan-1996.
  260. ACM
    Kaindl H An integration of scenarios with their purposes in task modeling Proceedings of the 1st conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods, & techniques, (227-235)
  261. ACM
    Garzotto F, Mainetti L and Paolini P (1995). Hypermedia design, analysis, and evaluation issues, Communications of the ACM, 38:8, (74-86), Online publication date: 1-Aug-1995.
  262. Crowley C TkReplay Proceedings of the 3rd Annual USENIX Workshop on Tcl/Tk - Volume 3, (14-14)
  263. deChambeau A Dependability at the User Interface Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing
  264. ACM
    Casaday G and Rainis C Models, prototypes, and evaluations for HCI design Conference Companion on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (397-398)
  265. ACM
    Perlman G Teaching user interface development to software engineers Conference Companion on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (375-376)
  266. ACM
    Perlman G Practical usability evaluation Conference Companion on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (369-370)
  267. ACM
    Kaptelinin V A comparison of four navigation techniques in a 2D browsing task Conference Companion on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (282-283)
  268. ACM
    Nabeshima S, Yamamoto S, Agusa K and Taguchi T MEMO-PEN Conference Companion on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (256-257)
  269. ACM
    Bradford J (1995). The human factors of speech-based interfaces, ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 27:2, (61-67), Online publication date: 1-Apr-1995.
  270. ACM
    Crow D (1995). HalClon, ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 27:2, (40-41), Online publication date: 1-Apr-1995.
  271. ACM
    Carlshamre P Technical communicators and system developers collaborating in usability-oriented systems development Proceedings of the 12th annual international conference on Systems documentation: technical communications at the great divide, (200-207)
  272. ACM
    Gasen J, Perlman G and Attaya-Kelo M (1994). Update on the HCI Education Survey, ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 26:2, (8-11), Online publication date: 1-Apr-1994.
  273. Huang Y, Liu X, Jin L and Zhang X DeepFinger: A Cascade Convolutional Neuron Network Approach to Finger Key Point Detection in Egocentric Vision with Mobile Camera 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (2944-2949)
  274. Nascimento M, Brandão A, Brandão L and Oliveira F Overcoming Accessibility Barriers for People with Severe Vision Impairment in Web-based Learning Environments: A Literature Review 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), (1-8)
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