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Y2k Family Survival Guide: A Complete Action Manual for Your Y2k LifeboatJune 1999
  • Rutledge Hill Press
Published:01 June 1999
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From the Publisher:

In that briefest moment between December 31, 1999, and January 1, 2000, billions of lines of computer code and embedded microchips may fail. "In the dead of winter, at the stroke of midnight, " says Leonard Nimoy, "elevators may stop. Heat may vanish. Credit cards and ATMs may cease to function.... Water delivery systems may not deliver water for cooking, drinking, or bathing."

The reality is there are no real Y2K experts because nothing like this has ever occurred in human history. It could be a short inconvenience or it could be a major extended disaster, while we can hope for the short inconvenience, it only makes sense to prepare for self-sufficiency. Nimoy and Rogers suggest a minimum of four weeks.

More than 100 books about Y2K have been published. Many, however, are difficult to understand or are lacking in practical preparation tips. Y2K Family Survival Guide is written for the average person who wants to know what he or she should do to prepare for January 1, 2000. It tells in a clear, helpful, and step-by-step fashion how families and communities can prepare for Y2K. It explains what to do now to be sure to have an ample supply of food. water, heat and light, money, and health care.

