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Oracle Data WarehousingSeptember 1997
  • Sams
  • Imprint of Simon and Schuster 201 W. 103 St. Indianapolis, IN
  • United States
Published:01 September 1997
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From the Publisher: Oracle Data Warehousing Unleashed presents topic by topic coverage of everything the reader will need to build a data warehouse. Oracle Data Warehousing Unleashed is a comprehensive resource about data warehousing a collection of corporate information, set up so that a business leader can easily ask What If questions and manipulate the data to test scenarios Data warehousing is one of the hottest trends in the database industry. This technology is becoming so popular that Oracle created the Oracle Data Warehouse Initiative, highlighting companies who are creating data warehousing tools. Much of the latest Database World in Chicago was devoted to data warehousing Oracle Data Warehousing Unleashed covers the key aspects of building and maintaining a data warehouse: project planning, data scrubbing, metadata, data modeling, star schema, spatial challenges, security, backup & recovery, tuning loads, data mining and data marts

