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Windows Interface Guidelines for Software DesignJuly 1995
  • Microsoft Press
  • Div. of Microsoft Corp. One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA
  • United States
Published:01 July 1995
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From the Publisher:

Here are the Microsoft guidelines for creating well-designed, visually and functionally consistent user interfaces for applications that run on the Microsoft Windows operating system. The Windows Interface Guidelines for Software Design is an essential handbook for all programmers and designers working with the latest release of Windows, regardless of experience level or development tools used. This book covers the basic principles of user interface design and design methodologies and specifies how data-centered concepts such as objects and properties can be applied to interface design. It includes detailed information on mouse, keyboard, and pen interaction and on how to use the common interface elements supplied by the system. This book also includes information about special considerations such as network computing, international users, and users with disabilities.

Cited By

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  6. Barr P, Khaled R, Noble J and Biddle R A taxonomic analysis of user-interface metaphors in the Microsoft Office Project Gallery Proceedings of the Sixth Australasian conference on User interface - Volume 40, (109-117)
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  12. Leadbetter D, Hussey A, Lindsay P, Neal A and Humphreys M Towards model based prediction of human error rates in interactive systems Proceedings of the 2nd Australasian conference on User interface, (42-49)
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