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Agile software developmentJanuary 2002
  • Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
  • 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA
  • United States
Published:01 January 2002
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Software development paradigms are shifting. The development group's "team" ability, and the effects of the individual developer, become more important as organizations recognize that the traditional approach of increasing process pressure and overworking team members is not getting the job done. The pioneers of Agile methodologies question the preconceived processes within which development teams work. Rather than adding to the burden of the individual developer, Agile asks "how can we change the process so that the team is more productive, while also improving quality?" The answer is in learning to play the "game." Written for developers and project managers, Agile Software Development compares software development to a game. Team members play the game knowing that the ultimate goal is to win---always remembering what they have learned along the way, and always keeping in mind that they will never play the same way twice. Players must keep an open mind to different methodologies, and focus on the goal of developing quality software in a short cycle time.

Cited By

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  6. Radhakrishnan A, David D and Davis J (2022). Examining the Critical Success Factors in IT Projects, International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 13:1, (1-38), Online publication date: 31-Jan-2022.
  7. Spiegler S, Heinecke C and Wagner S (2021). An empirical study on changing leadership in agile teams, Empirical Software Engineering, 26:3, Online publication date: 1-May-2021.
  8. Benfell A (2021). Modeling functional requirements using tacit knowledge: a design science research methodology informed approach, Requirements Engineering, 26:1, (25-42), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2021.
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  62. Jarke M, Loucopoulos P, Lyytinen K, Mylopoulos J and Robinson W The brave new world of design requirements Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Advanced information systems engineering, (470-482)
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    Caspersen M and Kolling M (2009). STREAM, ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 9:1, (1-29), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2009.
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  81. Ehn P Participation in design things Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary Conference on Participatory Design 2008, (92-101)
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    Ollila E, Suomela R and Holopainen J (2008). Using prototypes in early pervasive game development, Computers in Entertainment, 6:2, (1-17), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2008.
  85. Hanssen G and Fígri T (2008). Process fusion, Journal of Systems and Software, 81:6, (843-854), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2008.
  86. Atkinson C, Brenner D, Hummel O and Stoll D A Trustable Brokerage Solution for Component and Service Markets Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Software Reuse: High Confidence Software Reuse in Large Systems, (64-75)
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    Jiang L and Eberlein A Towards a framework for understanding the relationships between classical software engineering and agile methodologies Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Scrutinizing agile practices or shoot-out at the agile corral, (9-14)
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  91. Damm L and Lundberg L Quality impact of introducing component-level test automation and test-driven development Proceedings of the 14th European conference on Software Process Improvement, (187-199)
  92. Hanssen G, Bjørnson F and Westerheim H Tailoring and introduction of the rational unified process Proceedings of the 14th European conference on Software Process Improvement, (7-18)
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  100. Tessem B and Maurer F Job satisfaction and motivation in a large agile team Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Agile processes in software engineering and extreme programming, (54-61)
  101. Elshamy A and Elssamadisy A Applying agile to large projects Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Agile processes in software engineering and extreme programming, (46-53)
  102. Mitra S and Bullinger T (2007). Using formal software development methodologies in a real-world student project, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 22:6, (100-108), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2007.
  103. Williams L, Layman L, Slaten K, Berenson S and Seaman C On the Impact of a Collaborative Pedagogy on African American Millennial Students in Software Engineering Proceedings of the 29th international conference on Software Engineering, (677-687)
  104. Capiluppi A, Fernandez-Ramil J, Higman J, Sharp H and Smith N An Empirical Study of the Evolution of an Agile-Developed Software System Proceedings of the 29th international conference on Software Engineering, (511-518)
  105. Jazayeri M Some Trends in Web Application Development 2007 Future of Software Engineering, (199-213)
  106. ACM
    Hazzan O and Dubinsky Y (2007). Why software engineering programs should teach agile software development, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 32:2, (1-3), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2007.
  107. Christiansen H Meeting the challenge of communication in offshore software development Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Software engineering approaches for offshore and outsourced development, (19-26)
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    Hadar E and Hadar I The composition refactoring triangle (CRT) practical toolkit Companion to the 21st ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and applications, (786-797)
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    Davies R and Hussman D Creating an informative workspace Companion to the 21st ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and applications, (628-628)
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    Lee G, DeLone W and Espinosa J (2006). Ambidextrous coping strategies in globally distributed software development projects, Communications of the ACM, 49:10, (35-40), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2006.
  113. Mohamed B, Chabbar E and Aqarrout A OCL for the ODP information viewpoint specifications Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS international conference on Computers, (1336-1341)
  114. Damm L and Lundberg L (2006). Results from introducing component-level test automation and Test-Driven Development, Journal of Systems and Software, 79:7, (1001-1014), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2006.
  115. Sfetsos P, Stamelos I, Angelis L and Deligiannis I Investigating the impact of personality types on communication and collaboration-viability in pair programming – an empirical study Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, (43-52)
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  117. Wils A, Van Baelen S, Holvoet T and De Vlaminck K Agility in the avionics software world Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, (123-132)
  118. Winkler D and Biffl S An empirical study on design quality improvement from best-practice inspection and pair programming Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, (319-333)
  119. Qumer A and Henderson-Sellers B A Framework to Support Non-fragile Agile Agent-Oriented Software Development Proceedings of the 2006 conference on New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques: Proceedings of the fifth SoMeT_06, (84-100)
  120. ACM
    Hazzan O and Dubinsky Y Can diversity in global software development be enhanced by agile software development? Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Global software development for the practitioner, (58-61)
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    Kakihara M Strategizing software development Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Workshop on interdisciplinary software engineering research, (37-44)
  122. Fruhling A and Vreede G (2006). Field Experiences with eXtreme Programming, Journal of Management Information Systems, 22:4, (39-68), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2006.
  123. ACM
    Frieze C, Hazzan O, Blum L and Dias M (2006). Culture and environment as determinants of women's participation in computing, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 38:1, (22-26), Online publication date: 31-Mar-2006.
  124. ACM
    Frieze C, Hazzan O, Blum L and Dias M Culture and environment as determinants of women's participation in computing Proceedings of the 37th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, (22-26)
  125. ACM
    Mišić V (2006). Perceptions of extreme programming, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 31:2, (1-8), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2006.
  126. Nord R and Tomayko J (2006). Software Architecture-Centric Methods and Agile Development, IEEE Software, 23:2, (47-53), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2006.
  127. LeJeune N (2006). Teaching software engineering practices with Extreme Programming, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 21:3, (107-117), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2006.
  128. ACM
    Augustine S, Payne B, Sencindiver F and Woodcock S (2005). Agile project management, Communications of the ACM, 48:12, (85-89), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2005.
  129. Nawrocki J, Jasiński M, Olek Ł and Lange B Pair programming vs. side-by-side programming Proceedings of the 12th European conference on Software Process Improvement, (28-38)
  130. ACM
    Burns T and Klashner R A cross-collegiate analysis of software development course content Proceedings of the 6th conference on Information technology education, (333-337)
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    Bills D and Biles J The role of programming in IT Proceedings of the 6th conference on Information technology education, (43-49)
  132. ACM
    Vanderburg G A simple model of agile software processes -- or -- extreme programming annealed Proceedings of the 20th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications, (539-545)
  133. ACM
    Patton J Finding the forest in the trees Companion to the 20th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications, (266-274)
  134. ACM
    Vanderburg G (2005). A simple model of agile software processes -- or -- extreme programming annealed, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 40:10, (539-545), Online publication date: 12-Oct-2005.
  135. Perez-Torres J and Mejia M Software Development Using Agile Methodologies Proceedings of the Sixth Mexican International Conference on Computer Science, (129-135)
  136. Nawrocki J and Wojciechowski A Extreme89 Proceedings of the Second international conference on Rapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques, (278-287)
  137. ACM
    Loftus C and Ratcliffe M (2005). Extreme programming promotes extreme learning?, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 37:3, (311-315), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2005.
  138. Boehm B and Turner R (2005). Management Challenges to Implementing Agile Processes in Traditional Development Organizations, IEEE Software, 22:5, (30-39), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2005.
  139. Teiniker E, Schmoelzer G, Faschingbauer J, Kreiner C and Weiss R A Hybrid Component-Based System Development Process Proceedings of the 31st EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, (152-159)
  140. Ramler R and Auer D Encouraging Self-Organization Proceedings of the 31st EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, (284-291)
  141. Theunissen W, Boake A and Kourie D In search of the sweet spot Proceedings of the 2005 annual research conference of the South African institute of computer scientists and information technologists on IT research in developing countries, (268-277)
  142. ACM
    Segal J (2005). Two principles of end-user software engineering research, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 30:4, (1-5), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
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    Segal J, Grinyer A and Sharp H (2005). The type of evidence produced by empirical software engineers, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 30:4, (1-4), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
  144. ACM
    Loftus C and Ratcliffe M Extreme programming promotes extreme learning? Proceedings of the 10th annual SIGCSE conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, (311-315)
  145. Hazzan O and Dubinsky Y Social perspective of software development methods Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, (74-81)
  146. Śmiałek M From user stories to code in one day? Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, (38-47)
  147. Nawrocki J and Olek Ł UC workbench – a tool for writing use cases and generating mockups Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, (230-234)
  148. da Silva A, Kon F and Torteli C XP south of the equator Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, (10-18)
  149. Canfora G, Cimitile A and Visaggio C Empirical study on the productivity of the pair programming Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, (92-99)
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  169. Serrano M State of the Art and Future of Research in Software Process Improvement Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference - Volume 01
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  186. Paetsch F, Eberlein A and Maurer F Requirements Engineering and Agile Software Development Proceedings of the Twelfth International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises
  187. Chau T, Maurer F and Melnik G Knowledge Sharing Proceedings of the Twelfth International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises
  188. Becker-Pechau P, Breitling H, Lippert M and Schmolitzky A Teaching team work Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Extreme programming and agile processes in software engineering, (386-393)
  189. Paige R, Agarwal P and Brooke P Combining agile practices with UML and EJB Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Extreme programming and agile processes in software engineering, (351-353)
  190. Fuqua A and Hammer J Embracing change Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Extreme programming and agile processes in software engineering, (298-306)
  191. Martin A, Noble J and Biddle R Being jane malkovich Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Extreme programming and agile processes in software engineering, (234-243)
  192. Howard D Swimming around the waterfall Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Extreme programming and agile processes in software engineering, (138-145)
  193. Tessem B Experiences in learning XP practices Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Extreme programming and agile processes in software engineering, (131-137)
  194. Pinna S, Mauri S, Lorrai P, Marchesi M and Serra N XPSwiki Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Extreme programming and agile processes in software engineering, (104-113)
  195. O'Reilly C, Morrow P and Bustard D Improving conflict detection in optimistic concurrency control models Proceedings of the 2001 ICSE Workshops on SCM 2001, and SCM 2003 conference on Software configuration management, (191-205)
  196. Constantine L and Lockwood L Usage-centered software engineering Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering, (746-747)
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    Newkirk J Introduction to agile processes and extreme programming Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering, (695-696)
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  214. ACM
    Lourenci A An evolutive architecture reasons as a semiotic, hermeneutic and autopoietic entity Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution, (138-141)
  • International Business Machines


Anne Gunn

This is one of the two anchor books in the Agile Development Series, published by Addison-Wesley. The series is edited by Alistair Cockburn, the author of this book, and Jim Highsmith, who recently published the other anchor book, Agile software development ecosystems [1]. The official series has, as of this writing, five titles, including Cockburn’s Writing effective use cases [2] and Surviving object-oriented projects [3]. But there’s also a larger virtual series (if you ignore publishers) that includes Highsmith’s own Adaptive software development [4], Scott Ambler’s Agile modeling [5], Martin Fowler’s Refactoring [6], and all the books on extreme programming (XP). The series is tied together by the tenets of the Agile Alliance ( The alliance, started by 17 practitioners of “lightweight” development methodologies, maintains the Agile Manifesto (, a document that records their agreement on four core values, prioritizing: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan. In this book, Cockburn lays out the practical and theoretical foundations for the agile movement. He has been “collecting” methodologies for 20 years, both by using many himself, and by debriefing development teams. His criteria for a “methodologically successful project” are minimal: The project...went out the door and was useful. The leadership...didn’t get fired for what they were doing. The people on the project would work the same way again. Even so, Cockburn claims to have only found a handful of successful methodologies. This has led him to believe that the methodology has to be tailored to the project and the team, not the other way around. The introduction and first chapter of the book are pretty abstract. They argue that, rather than trying to fit software development into an engineering paradigm, it is most useful to characterize it as “a (resource-limited) cooperative game of invention and communication. The primary goal of the game is to deliver useful, working software. The secondary to set up for the next game. The next game may be to alter or replace the system or to create a neighboring system.” The second and third chapters remind us that it is “people who design software” and that we have to take their strengths and weaknesses into account if we are going to meet our business objectives. These chapters, which talk about the ways in which people are “funky,” how they prefer to fail, and what exactly they are good at, are the most entertaining of the book. They also have the most in common in spirit and tone with the other books in the virtual series mentioned above: what makes great team s work is not radical new techniques, but many small things done right. Principals like increasing communication, decreasing distractions, and helping team members pull in the same direction rather than in different directions, are the building blocks of agile software development. The long fourth chapter is about methodologies: how they are designed, how to evaluate a candidate methodology for applicability to your project, and how to tweak it once you’ve started. I have to admit that in the middle of this chapter, I had a moment where I had to think hard about why I cared. I don’t design methodologies for a living, I build software. But Cockburn argues that anyone who uses any methodology has to be willing and able to modify it from time to time, or at least from project to project. Although each chapter ends with a short section that focuses on real-world issues, chapters 5 and 6 are all about trying to put the principles of the earlier chapters into practice. Chapter 5 does this in very generic terms, with an emphasis on periodic reflection and adjustment as critical components for success. Chapter 6 is a brief introduction to Cockburn’s Crystal methodologies, a “copy-and-alter family of methodologies that can be tailored on each project.” A forthcoming book in the series will cover the Crystal methodologies in detail. Appendix A presents the Agile Manifesto in its entirety, along with a discussion of its origin and intent. Appendix B soars into the ideas behind the book, with extracts from two very philosophical works, and from the Japanese samurai tract, The Book of Five Rings . Appendix C is a thorough pair of indices to reference material, organized both by title and by author. An unusual feature of the book is a “List of Stories” in the front of the book, and good indexing into the stories. When you want to find the story that uses backyard dandelions as a parable for explaining why constructing a successful reward structure is always hard, you just look for dandelions in the index. Online Computing Reviews Service

Puneet Singh Lamba

Software development organizations understandably yearn for a one-size-fits-all software development methodology. It would certainly be wonderful to have one methodology to master that could be applied consistently to all projects. Consequently, the major methodologies are constantly jockeying to project themselves as agile enough to be applicable to any type of project. The heavyweight methodologies, such as the rational unified process (RUP), are eager to demonstrate their flexibility in response to the challenge posed by lightweight or agile methodologies. As Jim Highsmith recently noted, “No one is willing to concede ‘agility’ to the other side” [1]. However, as children learn at a relatively young age, square pegs just do not fit nicely into round holes. More often than not, organizations run their projects using methodologies that they are comfortable with, as opposed to those that are best suited for the project at hand. Cockburn’s thoughtful book has a very sensible solution for organizations that have struggled to find methodologies that fit their projects like a glove: roll your own. In other words, learn about what methodologies are and how to construct them so that you can create methodologies custom tailored to your projects. In support of Cockburn’s approach, Robert Glass writes, “Because software tackles such a diverse assortment of problems, it is becoming more and more obvious that there are few, if any, universal solution approaches” [2]. Glass lists four criteria that influence the diversity of a software development project: size, application domain, criticality, and innovativeness. Plauger says it best: “anyone who believes that one size fits all belongs in a pantyhose commercial” [3]. Rather than recommend a one-size-fits-all methodology, the author encourages each project team to define their own unique methodology by borrowing some standard ones that fit and inventing new ones. He presents the why as opposed to the how of software methodologies. Once you understand why certain methodologies work well in certain situations, you are equipped to determine which methodologies suit your project. He also lists a set of principles to enable a cost and benefit analysis for moving to heavier methodologies. Furthermore, even once a methodology has been determined, the author recommends constant flexibility and just-in-time tuning to achieve maximum benefit. This book makes a significant contribution in two major areas of software development. First, it presents a tour de force of emerging agile software development methodologies. Second, it is a worthy successor to pioneering works in the psychology of software development by Weinberg [4], and DeMarco and Lister [5]. In a broad sweep of the human psychological element, Cockburn discusses numerous promising approaches, including how to align a project with the success factors of individuals working on the project, practical methods for removing latency in communication, and coming to terms with the fact that people are imperfect and make mistakes, often at crucial moments. Cockburn defines three levels of learning: following, detaching, and fluent. These learning levels apply to most human activities including listening, reading, and understanding methodologies. Those at level 1 (following) require specific advice. Level 2 (detaching) is about exploring the boundaries of the rules learned at level 1. Finally, level 3 (fluent) entails moving with freedom without regard to the rules. This book targets level 2 and 3 readers and practitioners. The book attempts to synthesize the common denominator among agile methodologies like extreme programming (XP), Scrum, Crystal Clear, responsibility-driven design, and adaptive software development. This common denominator, also documented in the agile software development manifesto, is as follows: individuals and interactions over processes and tools; working software over comprehensive documentation; customer collaboration over contract negotiation; and responding to change over following a plan. The author suggests that software development is much more like writing a novel than building a bridge. Projects should set down a general storyline but create each chapter and page creatively. Cockburn implies that a project’s rate of progress is a function of the length of time for information to flow from one mind to another. He stresses the importance of managing the incompleteness of our communications. Therefore, a phone call is preferable to email, and a face-to-face conversation is preferable to a phone call. While Cockburn acknowledges XP’s limitations with respect to larger teams due to its reliance on tacit knowledge, he also offers ideas on how to reinvent XP for larger teams. The two insightful works that Cockburn includes as appendices to his book are the icing on the cake. In Cockburn’s words, Peter Naur’s 1985 paper, “Programming as theory building,” is “the most accurate account of what goes on in designing and coding a program.” The second appendix contains extracts from Pelle Ehn’s works, which Cockburn credits for having inspired many of his own ideas and thoughts. Online Computing Reviews Service

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