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Make Money Blogging: The Step-by-Step Guide to Take Your Blog from 0$ to 30'000$ a Month Working from HomeNovember 2018
  • Independently published
Published:29 November 2018
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Jordan McKelroy is an accredited Top Class Affiliate Marketer and a Full Time Blogger. A 6 figure revenue CEO & Founder; coach to thousand of students that left their 9-to-5 job behind them. The living proof that is possible to start from scratch and become millionaires within a few years. But Jordan McKelroy actually never existed It took years and a lot of effort running away from my 9-5 job. Now, some years later, I make money comfortably from my own house in Bali. You won't blame me if I would never give up my privacy revealing my real name. Nevertheless, this will never stop me from sharing and teaching what I have learned on my journey to earning 6 figures a month. In my opinion blogging was hard, tough, sometimes incomprehensible, but for sure life changing. By leveraging the knowledge I gained while blogging, I was able to start Affiliate Marketing, then Kindle Publishing, then Drop shipping and E-Commerce. All this became possible thanks to a lot of hard work, sweat and passion. Maybe this is not exactly the Easy Money Book everybody is looking for, Huh?!. Hard work in itself is useless if you don't know where to find the right information and the correct processes. I spent so much time and effort collecting all the necessary information... This book is the #1 of a Book Series about collecting all the necessary information to start, grow and leverage your online businesses to create at least one new stream of income a year. Inside you will find all the information, step-by-step processes, tools and tricks I used. LET'S START THIS JOURNEY TOGETHER, Best wishes, Jordan... or whatever

