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The unified software development processMay 1999
  • Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
  • 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA
  • United States
Published:13 May 1999
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  1. Rodriguez S, Thangarajah J and Davey A Design Patterns for Explainable Agents (XAg) Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, (1621-1629)
  2. Venters C, Capilla R, Nakagawa E, Betz S, Penzenstadler B, Crick T and Brooks I (2024). Sustainable software engineering, Information and Software Technology, 164:C, Online publication date: 1-Dec-2023.
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    Mohd Kassim S, Li S and Arief B (2023). Understanding How National CSIRTs Evaluate Cyber Incident Response Tools and Data: Findings from Focus Group Discussions, Digital Threats: Research and Practice, 4:3, (1-24), Online publication date: 30-Sep-2023.
  4. Guerra-García C, Nikiforova A, Jiménez S, Perez-Gonzalez H, Ramírez-Torres M and Ontañon-García L (2023). ISO/IEC 25012-based methodology for managing data quality requirements in the development of information systems, Data & Knowledge Engineering, 145:C, Online publication date: 1-May-2023.
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  8. Guerra-García C, González H, Ramírez-Torres M and Juárez-Ramírez R (2020). Developing Web Applications with Awareness of Data Quality Elements – DQAWA, Programming and Computing Software, 46:8, (548-560), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2020.
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  13. Li Y, Yue T, Ali S and Zhang L (2019). Enabling automated requirements reuse and configuration, Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), 18:3, (2177-2211), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2019.
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  31. Goubali O, Girard P, Guittet L, Bignon A, Kesraoui D, Berruet P and Bouillon J Designing Functional Specifications for Complex Systems Proceedings, Part I, of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Theory, Design, Development and Practice - Volume 9731, (166-177)
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    Shah U, Jinwala D and Patel S (2016). An Excursion to Software Development Life Cycle Models, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 41:1, (1-6), Online publication date: 22-Feb-2016.
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  54. BjØrner D and Havelund K 40 Years of Formal Methods Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on FM 2014: Formal Methods - Volume 8442, (42-61)
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    Sarasa-Cabezuelo A and Sierra-Rodríguez J Software engineering for eLearning Proceedings of the First International Conference on Technological Ecosystem for Enhancing Multiculturality, (81-86)
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    Muthig D and Schroeter J A framework for role-based feature management in software product line organizations Proceedings of the 17th International Software Product Line Conference, (178-187)
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    Dugerdil P and Sennhauser D Dynamic decision tree for legacy use-case recovery Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (1284-1291)
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    Puviani M, Serugendo G, Frei R and Cabri G (2012). A method fragments approach to methodologies for engineering self-organizing systems, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 7:3, (1-25), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2012.
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    Lau K, Ng K, Rana T and Tran C Incremental construction of component-based systems Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGSOFT symposium on Component Based Software Engineering, (41-50)
  71. Castro O, Espinoza A and Martínez-Martínez A Estimating the software product value during the development process Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, (74-88)
  72. Bonjean N, Gleizes M, Maurel C and Migeon F Forward Self-combined Method Fragments Revised Selected Papers of the 13th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering XIII - Volume 7852, (168-178)
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  75. Andersen S and Jansen A (2012). Installed base as a facilitator for user-driven innovation, International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, 2012, (16-16), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2012.
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    Ben-David S, Chechik M, Gurfinkel A and Uchitel S CSSL Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSOFT symposium and the 13th European conference on Foundations of software engineering, (37-47)
  77. Fernández-Sanz L and Misra S Influence of human factors in software quality and productivity Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Computational science and Its applications - Volume Part V, (257-269)
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    Fernández C, López D, Yagüe A and Garbajosa J Towards estimating the value of an idea Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement, (62-67)
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    Napoli J and Kaloyanova K An integrated approach for RUP, EA, SOA and BPM implementation Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, (63-68)
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    Guerra-García C, Caballero I and Piattini M Capturing data quality requirements for web applications by means of DQ_WebRE Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Business intelligencE and the WEB, (28-35)
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    Vora U, Chomal P, Upadhyay R and Khati V Modularity in continually evolving systems Proceedings of the tenth international conference on Aspect-oriented software development companion, (1-2)
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  90. Li X, Liu Z, Schäf M and Yin L AutoPA Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Leveraging applications of formal methods, verification, and validation - Volume Part I, (609-624)
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    Belmonte J and Dugerdil P Using domain ontologies in a dynamic analysis for program comprehension Ontology-Driven Software Engineering, (1-6)
  92. da Cruz A and Faria J A metamodel-based approach for automatic user interface generation Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Model driven engineering languages and systems: Part I, (256-270)
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    Sesera L Applying fundamental banking patterns Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (1-30)
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    Ruparelia N (2010). Software development lifecycle models, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 35:3, (8-13), Online publication date: 11-May-2010.
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    Pádua W Measuring complexity, effectiveness and efficiency in software course projects Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering - Volume 1, (545-554)
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  99. Zündorf A, Geiger L, Gemmerich R, Jubeh R, Leohold J, Müller D, Reckord C, Schneider C and Semmelrodt S Using graph grammars for modeling wiring harnesses - an experience report Graph transformations and model-driven engineering, (512-532)
  100. Engels G and Sauer S A meta-method for defining software engineering methods Graph transformations and model-driven engineering, (411-440)
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  105. Marew T, Lee J and Bae D (2009). Tactics based approach for integrating non-functional requirements in object-oriented analysis and design, Journal of Systems and Software, 82:10, (1642-1656), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2009.
  106. Thum C, Schwind M and Schader M SLIM--A Lightweight Environment for Synchronous Collaborative Modeling Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, (137-151)
  107. Pérez Medina J, Dupuy-Chessa S and Rieu D A service-oriented approach for interactive system design Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design, (44-57)
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    Mishra A and Mishra D (2009). Some issues on scheduling estimation model for object-oriented software projects, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 34:4, (1-4), Online publication date: 6-Jul-2009.
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    Andreescu A A general software development process suitable for explicit manipulation of business rules Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies and Workshop for PhD Students in Computing, (1-6)
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    Francis B and Stone R WebScylla Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, (167-175)
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    Schaeckeler S, Shang W and Davis R (2009). Compiler Optimization Pass Visualization, ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 9:2, (1-13), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2009.
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  116. Cossentino M, Gleizes M, Molesini A and Omicini A Processes engineering and AOSE Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Agent-oriented software engineering, (191-212)
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    Dugerdil P and Jossi S Computing dynamic clusters Proceedings of the 2nd India software engineering conference, (65-74)
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    Adamopoulos D Structuring service-oriented activities in programmable multi-service networks Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, (422-425)
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  135. Dugerdil P and Jossi S Reverse-engineering of an industrial software using the unified process Proceedings of the 11th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, (203-209)
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  141. Leppänen K, Leppänen S and Turunen M A modelling method for rigorous and automated design of large-scale industrial systems Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, (331-345)
  142. Hanssen G, Bjørnson F and Westerheim H Tailoring and introduction of the rational unified process Proceedings of the 14th European conference on Software Process Improvement, (7-18)
  143. Rodríguez A, Fernández-Medina E and Piattini M Towards CIM to PIM transformation Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Business process management, (408-415)
  144. Rosson M, Sinha H, Bhattacharya M and Zhao D Design Planning in End-User Web Development Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, (189-196)
  145. ACM
    Rubart J Architecting structure-aware applications Proceedings of the eighteenth conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, (185-188)
  146. Himsl M, Jabornig D, Leithner W, Regner P, Wiesinger T, Küng J and Draheim D An iterative process for adaptive meta- and instance modeling Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, (519-528)
  147. Hornbæk K, Høegh R, Pedersen M and Stage J Use case evaluation (UCE) Proceedings of the 11th IFIP TC 13 international conference on Human-computer interaction, (578-591)
  148. Balzer S, Gross T and Eugster P A relational model of object collaborations and its use in reasoning about relationships Proceedings of the 21st European conference on Object-Oriented Programming, (323-346)
  149. Bygstad B, Ghinea G and Brevik E Systems development methods and usability in Norway Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Usability and internationalization, (258-266)
  150. Cabrera-Umpierrez M, Villalar J, Arredondo M, Gaeta E and Lazaro J Enhancing the safety feeling of mobility impaired travellers through infomobility services Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Universal access in human-computer interaction: ambient interaction, (285-292)
  151. Lundestad C and Hommels A (2007). Software vulnerability due to practical drift, Ethics and Information Technology, 9:2, (89-100), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2007.
  152. Gregoire J, Buyens K, Win B, Scandariato R and Joosen W On the Secure Software Development Process Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems
  153. Willenbring J, Heroux M and Heaphy R The Trilinos Software Lifecycle Model Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing Applications
  154. Hindle A, Godfrey M and Holt R Release Pattern Discovery via Partitioning Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories
  155. Gonzalez-Palacios J and Luck M Extending Gaia with agent design and iterative development Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Agent-oriented software engineering VIII, (16-30)
  156. Zuccato A (2007). Holistic security management framework applied in electronic commerce, Computers and Security, 26:3, (256-265), Online publication date: 1-May-2007.
  157. Klashner R and Sabet S (2007). A DSS Design Model for complex problems, Decision Support Systems, 43:3, (990-1013), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2007.
  158. ACM
    Datta S, van Engelen R, Gaitros D and Jammigumpula N Experiences with tracking the effects of changing requirements on Morphbank Proceedings of the 45th annual southeast regional conference, (413-418)
  159. ACM
    Noll R and Ribeiro M Enhancing traceability using ontologies Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (1496-1497)
  160. ACM
    Santos-Neto P, Resende R and Pádua C Requirements for information systems model-based testing Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (1409-1415)
  161. ACM
    Vignaga A and Bastarrica M Transforming system operations' interactions into a design class diagram Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (993-997)
  162. Garzotto F and Perrone V (2007). Industrial acceptability of web design methods, Journal of Web Engineering, 6:1, (73-96), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2007.
  163. ACM
    Bastani B (2007). A requirements analysis framework for open systems requirements engineering, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 32:2, (1-19), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2007.
  164. ACM
    Broy M, Krüger I and Meisinger M (2007). A formal model of services, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 16:1, (5-es), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2007.
  165. Tamai T, Ubayashi N and Ichiyama R Objects as Actors Assuming Roles in the Environment Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems V, (185-203)
  166. Chen X, Liu Z and Mencl V Separation of Concerns and Consistent Integration in Requirements Modelling Proceedings of the 33rd conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, (819-831)
  167. Jifeng H, Li X and Liu Z (2006). rCOS, Theoretical Computer Science, 365:1, (109-142), Online publication date: 10-Nov-2006.
  168. Zhuge H (2006). Knowledge flow network planning and simulation, Decision Support Systems, 42:2, (571-592), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2006.
  169. Ahonen J, Aho A and Sihvonen H Three case-studies on common software process problems in software company acquisitions Proceedings of the 13th European conference on Software Process Improvement, (62-73)
  170. Ceria S and Cukier J Use case driven iterative development Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, (73-82)
  171. Cebollero D, Llamas C and Dodero J Towards an effective instructional engineering analysis method Proceedings of the First European conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing, (573-578)
  172. Sato M, Inoue M, Inoue T and Yamamura T A proposal of requirement definition method with patterns for element / network management Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific international conference on Network Operations and Management: management of Convergence Networks and Services, (210-220)
  173. ACM
    Tørner F, Ivarsson M, Pettersson F and Öhman P Defects in automotive use cases Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE international symposium on Empirical software engineering, (115-123)
  174. Garrido J, Noguera M, González M, Gea M and Hurtado M Leveraging the linda coordination model for a groupware architecture implementation Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Groupware: design, implementation, and use, (286-301)
  175. Engels G, Lohmann M, Sauer S and Heckel R Model-driven monitoring Proceedings of the Third international conference on Graph Transformations, (336-350)
  176. Bernon C, Gleizes M and Picard G Enhancing self-organising emergent systems design with simulation Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Engineering societies in the agents world VII, (284-299)
  177. Kabassi K and Virvou M (2006). A Knowledge-Based Software Life-Cycle Framework for the Incorporation of Multicriteria Analysis in Intelligent User Interfaces, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 18:9, (1265-1277), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2006.
  178. ACM
    Rajlich V (2006). Changing the paradigm of software engineering, Communications of the ACM, 49:8, (67-70), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2006.
  179. Gulliksen J How do developers meet users? Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Interactive systems: Design, specification, and verification, (1-10)
  180. Pérez-Martínez J and Sierra-Alonso A From analysis model to software architecture Proceedings of the Second European conference on Model Driven Architecture: foundations and Applications, (25-39)
  181. Alvarez B, Sánchez-palma P, Pastor J and Ortiz F (2006). An architectural framework for modeling teleoperated service robots, Robotica, 24:4, (411-418), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2006.
  182. Kim J, Kim M and Park S (2006). Goal and scenario based domain requirements analysis environment, Journal of Systems and Software, 79:7, (926-938), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2006.
  183. Gulliksen J, Boivie I and Göransson B (2006). Usability professionals-current practices and future development, Interacting with Computers, 18:4, (568-600), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2006.
  184. Bucchiarone A, Muccini H and Pelliccione P A practical architecture-centric analysis process Proceedings of the Second international conference on Quality of Software Architectures, (127-144)
  185. de Gusmão C and de Moura H Multiple risk management process supported by ontology Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, (462-465)
  186. Dourdas N, Zhu X, Maiden N, Jones S and Zachos K Discovering remote software services that satisfy requirements Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, (239-254)
  187. Meliá S and Gomez J (2006). The webSA approach, Journal of Web Engineering, 5:2, (121-149), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2006.
  188. Cheung K, Cheung T and Chow K (2006). A petri-net-based synthesis methodology for use-case-driven system design, Journal of Systems and Software, 79:6, (772-790), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2006.
  189. ACM
    Paula Filho W A software process for time-constrained course projects Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Software engineering, (707-710)
  190. ACM
    Boehm B A view of 20th and 21st century software engineering Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Software engineering, (12-29)
  191. Fertalj K, Hlupić N and Kalpić D Permeation of RUP and XP on small and middle-size projects Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS international conference on Telecommunications and informatics, (98-104)
  192. ACM
    Zachos K, Zhu X, Maiden N and Jones S Seamlessly integrating service discovery into UML requirements processes Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Service-oriented software engineering, (60-66)
  193. ACM
    Del Bianco V and Lavazza L Enhancing problem frames with scenarios and histories Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Advances and applications of problem frames, (25-32)
  194. ACM
    Ng T, Cheung S, Chan W and Yu Y Toward effective deployment of design patterns for software extension Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Software quality, (51-56)
  195. ACM
    Paula Filho W Quality gates in use-case driven development Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Software quality, (33-38)
  196. ACM
    Ardi S, Byers D and Shahmehri N Towards a structured unified process for software security Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Software engineering for secure systems, (3-10)
  197. De Wolf T and Holvoet T Design patterns for decentralised coordination in self-organising emergent systems Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Engineering self-organising systems, (28-49)
  198. Lee K An empirical development case of a software-intensive system based on the rational unified process Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - Volume Part V, (877-886)
  199. Hwang H Domain analysis for components based developments Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - Volume Part V, (1018-1027)
  200. Mellado D, Fernández-Medina E and Piattini M A comparative study of proposals for establishing security requirements for the development of secure information systems Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - Volume Part III, (1044-1053)
  201. ACM
    Dobing B and Parsons J (2006). How UML is used, Communications of the ACM, 49:5, (109-113), Online publication date: 1-May-2006.
  202. ACM
    Datta S and van Engelen R Effects of changing requirements Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (1739-1744)
  203. Devereux B and Chechik M Automated support for building behavioral models of event-driven systems Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, (122-138)
  204. ACM
    Datta S Agility measurement index Proceedings of the 44th annual Southeast regional conference, (271-273)
  205. Tan H, Yang Y and Bian L (2006). Systematic Transformation of Functional Analysis Model into OO Design and Implementation, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 32:2, (111-135), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2006.
  206. Lindgaard G, Dillon R, Trbovich P, White R, Fernandes G, Lundahl S and Pinnamaneni A (2006). User Needs Analysis and requirements engineering, Interacting with Computers, 18:1, (47-70), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2006.
  207. Desai N, Mallya A, Chopra A and Singh M (2005). Interaction Protocols as Design Abstractions for Business Processes, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 31:12, (1015-1027), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2005.
  208. ACM
    Laguna M and Gonzalez-Baixauli B Requirements variability models Proceedings of the 2005 symposia on Metainformatics, (9-es)
  209. Léger A, Nixon L and Shvaiko P On identifying knowledge processing requirements Proceedings of the 4th international conference on The Semantic Web, (928-943)
  210. ACM
    Mazon J, Trujillo J, Serrano M and Piattini M Applying MDA to the development of data warehouses Proceedings of the 8th ACM international workshop on Data warehousing and OLAP, (57-66)
  211. Wac K Towards qos-awareness of context-aware mobile applications and services Proceedings of the 2005 OTM Confederated international conference on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems, (751-760)
  212. Perepletchikov M, Ryan C and Frampton K Comparing the impact of service-oriented and object-oriented paradigms on the structural properties of software Proceedings of the 2005 OTM Confederated international conference on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems, (431-441)
  213. de Medeiros A, Schwabe D and Feijó B Kuaba ontology Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Conceptual Modeling, (241-255)
  214. ACM
    Vanderburg G A simple model of agile software processes -- or -- extreme programming annealed Proceedings of the 20th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications, (539-545)
  215. ACM
    Vanderburg G (2005). A simple model of agile software processes -- or -- extreme programming annealed, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 40:10, (539-545), Online publication date: 12-Oct-2005.
  216. Kuzniarz L and Staron M Best practices for teaching UML based software development Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Satellite Events at the MoDELS, (320-332)
  217. Engels G, Hausmann J, Lohmann M and Sauer S Teaching UML is teaching software engineering is teaching abstraction Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Satellite Events at the MoDELS, (306-319)
  218. ACM
    Balbo S, Draheim D, Lutteroth C and Weber G Appropriateness of user interfaces to tasks Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Task models and diagrams, (111-118)
  219. Schümmer T, Lukosch S and Slagter R Empowering end-users Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Groupware: design, Implementation, and Use, (73-88)
  220. Bertolino A, Bucchiarone A, Gnesi S and Muccini H An architecture-centric approach for producing quality systems Proceedings of the First international conference on Quality of Software Architectures and Software Quality, and Proceedings of the Second International conference on Software Quality, (21-37)
  221. ACM
    Liang D and Xu K Debugging object-oriented programs with behavior views Proceedings of the sixth international symposium on Automated analysis-driven debugging, (133-142)
  222. Perepletchikov M and Padgham L Systematic Incremental Development of Agent Systems, using Prometheus Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Quality Software, (413-418)
  223. Bjorner D A Cloverleaf of Software Engineering Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, (86-85)
  224. ACM
    Liew C (2005). Teaching software development skills early in the Curriculum through software engineering, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 37:3, (133-137), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2005.
  225. Zachos K, Maiden N and Tosar A (2005). Rich-Media Scenarios for Discovering Requirements, IEEE Software, 22:5, (89-97), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2005.
  226. Boehm B and Turner R (2005). Management Challenges to Implementing Agile Processes in Traditional Development Organizations, IEEE Software, 22:5, (30-39), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2005.
  227. Meliá S, Gómez J and Koch N Improving web design methods with architecture modeling Proceedings of the 6th international conference on E-Commerce and Web Technologies, (53-64)
  228. De Nicola A, Missikoff M and Navigli R A proposal for a unified process for ontology building Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, (655-664)
  229. Otero M and Dolado J (2005). An empirical comparison of the dynamic modeling in OML and UML, Journal of Systems and Software, 77:2, (91-102), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2005.
  230. Breu R, Breu M, Hafner M and Nowak A Web service engineering – advancing a new software engineering discipline Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Web Engineering, (8-18)
  231. Perini A and Susi A Automating model transformations in agent-oriented modelling Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, (167-178)
  232. Bierman G and Wren A First-class relationships in an object-oriented language Proceedings of the 19th European conference on Object-Oriented Programming, (262-286)
  233. Chen M, Chen C, Cheng Y and Hsieh C On the Development and Implementation of a Sequencing Engine for IMS Learning Design Specification Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, (636-640)
  234. Geiger L and Zündorf A Developing tools with fujaba XProM Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering, (344-356)
  235. ACM
    Pettersson F, Ivarsson M and Öhman P (2005). Automotive use case standard for embedded systems, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 30:4, (1-6), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
  236. ACM
    Williams L, Layman L and Abrahamsson P (2005). On establishing the essential components of a technology-dependent framework, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 30:4, (1-5), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
  237. Anda B and Sjøberg D (2005). Investigating the Role of Use Cases in the Construction of Class Diagrams, Empirical Software Engineering, 10:3, (285-309), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
  238. ACM
    Liew C Teaching software development skills early in the Curriculum through software engineering Proceedings of the 10th annual SIGCSE conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, (133-137)
  239. Neto P, Resende R and Pádua C A method for information systems testing automation Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, (504-518)
  240. Olivé A Conceptual schema-centric development Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, (1-15)
  241. Ivarsson M, Pettersson F and Öhman P Improved control of automotive software suppliers Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, (358-369)
  242. Hanssen G, Westerheim H and Bjørnson F Tailoring RUP to a defined project type Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, (314-327)
  243. Cao J, Chan C and Chan K (2005). Workflow analysis for web publishing using a stage-activity process model, Journal of Systems and Software, 76:3, (221-235), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2005.
  244. Chou S, Hsu W and Lo W (2005). DPE/PAC, Journal of Systems and Software, 76:3, (207-219), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2005.
  245. Schümmer T, Lukosch S and Haake J Teaching distributed software development with the project method Proceedings of th 2005 conference on Computer support for collaborative learning: learning 2005: the next 10 years!, (577-586)
  246. Li M Expanding the horizons of software development processes Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Unifying the Software Process Spectrum, (54-67)
  247. Wang J and Meyers S Spiral pro Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Unifying the Software Process Spectrum, (262-276)
  248. Tian L, Zhang L, Zhou B and Qian G A gradually proceeded software architecture design process Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Unifying the Software Process Spectrum, (192-205)
  249. ACM
    Pettersson F, Ivarsson M and Öhman P Automotive use case standard for embedded systems Proceedings of the second international workshop on Software engineering for automotive systems, (1-6)
  250. ACM
    Williams L, Layman L and Abrahamsson P On establishing the essential components of a technology-dependent framework Proceedings of the 2005 workshop on Realising evidence-based software engineering, (1-5)
  251. ACM
    Paula Filho W Process issues in course projects Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Software engineering, (629-630)
  252. ACM
    Liu C Enriching software engineering courses with service-learning projects and the open-source approach Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Software engineering, (613-614)
  253. ACM
    Maiden N and Robertson S Developing use cases and scenarios in the requirements process Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Software engineering, (561-570)
  254. ACM
    Tamai T, Ubayashi N and Ichiyama R An adaptive object model with dynamic role binding Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Software engineering, (166-175)
  255. Choi M and Cho E A component identification technique from object-oriented model Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - Volume Part III, (778-787)
  256. Heckel R and Mariani L Automatic conformance testing of web services Proceedings of the 8th international conference, held as part of the joint European Conference on Theory and Practice of Software conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, (34-48)
  257. ACM
    Bhatti S (2005). Why quality?, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 30:2, (1-5), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2005.
  258. Draheim D and Weber G (2005). Modelling form-based interfaces with bipartite state machines, Interacting with Computers, 17:2, (207-228), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2005.
  259. ACM
    Marlowe T, Ku C and Benham J Design patterns for database pedagogy Proceedings of the 36th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, (48-52)
  260. ACM
    Marlowe T, Ku C and Benham J (2005). Design patterns for database pedagogy, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 37:1, (48-52), Online publication date: 23-Feb-2005.
  261. Jisa D (2005). An approach based on genetic algorithms for clustering classes in components, Acta Cybernetica, 17:2, (273-287), Online publication date: 10-Jan-2005.
  262. Choren R and Lucena C The ANote modeling language for agent-oriented specification Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems III, (198-212)
  263. Kanzaki Y, Igaki H, Nakamura M, Monden A and Matsumoto K Characterizing dynamics of information leakage in security-sensitive software process Proceedings of the 2005 Australasian workshop on Grid computing and e-research - Volume 44, (145-151)
  264. Costagliola G, Ferrucci F, Tortora G and Vitiello G (2005). Class Point, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 31:1, (52-74), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2005.
  265. Li X, Liu Z, He J and Long Q Generating a prototype from a UML model of system requirements Proceedings of the First international conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, (255-265)
  266. Aßmann U, Bartho A, Hartmann F, Savga I and Wittek B Trustworthy instantiation of frameworks Proceedings of the 2004 international conference on Architecting Systems with Trustworthy Components, (152-168)
  267. Konrad S, Cheng B and Campbell L (2004). Object Analysis Patterns for Embedded Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 30:12, (970-992), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2004.
  268. ACM
    Luján-Mora S and Trujillo J Physical modeling of data warehouses using UML Proceedings of the 7th ACM international workshop on Data warehousing and OLAP, (48-57)
  269. ACM
    Hsi I Measuring the conceptual fitness of an application in a computing ecosystem Proceedings of the 2004 ACM workshop on Interdisciplinary software engineering research, (27-36)
  270. Liu Z, Jifeng H and Li X rCOS Proceedings of the Third international conference on Formal Methods for Components and Objects, (183-221)
  271. Liu Z, He J, Liu J and Li X (2004). Unifying Views of UML, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 101:C, (95-127), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2004.
  272. ACM
    Berenbach B Comparison of UML and text based requirements engineering Companion to the 19th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and applications, (247-252)
  273. Luján-Mora S and Trujillo J A data warehouse engineering process Proceedings of the Third international conference on Advances in Information Systems, (14-23)
  274. Alonso F, Frutos S, Martínez L and Montes C SONIA Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Engineering Societies in the Agents World, (245-260)
  275. ACM
    Bastide R, Navarre D, Palanque P, Schyn A and Dragicevic P A model-based approach for real-time embedded multimodal systems in military aircrafts Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Multimodal interfaces, (243-250)
  276. Pettit R and Street J Lessons learned applying UML in the design of mission critical software UML Modeling Languages and Applications, (129-137)
  277. Pettit R and Street J Lessons learned applying UML in the design of mission critical software Proceedings of the 2004 international conference on UML Modeling Languages and Applications, (129-137)
  278. ACM
    Williams A The documentation of quality engineering Proceedings of the 22nd annual international conference on Design of communication: The engineering of quality documentation, (4-13)
  279. Kim J and Bae D An Approach to Feature Based Modelling by Dependency Alignment for the Maintenance of the Trustworthy System Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference - Volume 01, (416-423)
  280. Zhang Y (2004). Test-Driven Modeling for Model-Driven Development, IEEE Software, 21:5, (80-86), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2004.
  281. Arisholm E and Sjoberg D (2004). Evaluating the Effect of a Delegated versus Centralized Control Style on the Maintainability of Object-Oriented Software, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 30:8, (521-534), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2004.
  282. Campos A, Canuto A and Fernandes J Towards a Methodology for Developing Agent-Based Simulations Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems - Volume 3, (1494-1495)
  283. Sudeikat J, Braubach L, Pokahr A and Lamersdorf W Evaluation of agent–oriented software methodologies – examination of the gap between modeling and platform Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, (126-141)
  284. ACM
    Jisa D Component based development methods Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Computer systems and technologies, (1-6)
  285. Henderson-Sellers B, Tran Q and Debenham J Incorporating elements from the prometheus agent-oriented methodology in the OPEN process framework Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Agent-Oriented Information Systems II, (140-156)
  286. Berenbach B The Evaluation of Large, Complex UML Analysis and Design Models Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, (232-241)
  287. ACM
    Verbraeck A Component-based distributed simulations Proceedings of the eighteenth workshop on Parallel and distributed simulation, (141-148)
  288. Kim H, Yang H and Lee R A study on frameworks of component integration for web applications Proceedings of the Second international conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications, (58-70)
  289. Chung L and Supakkul S Representing NFRs and FRs Proceedings of the Second international conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications, (29-41)
  290. Cysneiros L and Leite J (2004). Nonfunctional Requirements, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 30:5, (328-350), Online publication date: 1-May-2004.
  291. ACM
    Leventhal L, Barnes J and Chao J Term project user interface specifications in a usability engineering course Proceedings of the 35th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, (41-45)
  292. ACM
    Suardi L (2004). How to manage your software product life cycle with MAUI, Communications of the ACM, 47:3, (89-94), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2004.
  293. ACM
    Leventhal L, Barnes J and Chao J (2004). Term project user interface specifications in a usability engineering course, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 36:1, (41-45), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2004.
  294. Matsumoto T, Wada Y, Norimatsu M and Okude N Smart-Media Applications Created by Scenario Based Modeling Proceedings of the 2004 Symposium on Applications and the Internet-Workshops (SAINT 2004 Workshops)
  295. Kuroda K, Ochiai K, Hori M and Okude N Smart-Media Design Process with Scenario Based Modeling Proceedings of the 2004 Symposium on Applications and the Internet-Workshops (SAINT 2004 Workshops)
  296. ACM
    Denaro G, Polini A and Emmerich W Early performance testing of distributed software applications Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Software and performance, (94-103)
  297. ACM
    Denaro G, Polini A and Emmerich W (2004). Early performance testing of distributed software applications, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 29:1, (94-103), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2004.
  298. Virine L and Rapley L The process of process reengineering Proceedings of the 35th conference on Winter simulation: driving innovation, (1779-1786)
  299. Hesse W (2003). Dinosaur meets Archaeopteryx? or, Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), 2:4, (240-247), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2003.
  300. ACM
    Perez G Model consistency in the object oriented software development process Companion of the 18th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications, (398-399)
  301. ACM
    Soares S and Borba P Aspect-oriented implementation method Companion of the 18th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications, (128-129)
  302. ACM
    Williams A Examining the use case as genre in software development and documentation Proceedings of the 21st annual international conference on Documentation, (12-19)
  303. Nassar M VUML Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, (373-376)
  304. Haugen Ø, Husa K, Runde R and Stølen K Why timed sequence diagrams require three-event semantics Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Scenarios: models, Transformations and Tools, (1-25)
  305. ACM
    Baresi L, Heckel R, Thöne S and Varró D (2003). Modeling and validation of service-oriented architectures, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 28:5, (68-77), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2003.
  306. ACM
    Osterweil L (2003). Understanding process and the quest for deeper questions in software engineering research, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 28:5, (6-14), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2003.
  307. ACM
    Baresi L, Heckel R, Thöne S and Varró D Modeling and validation of service-oriented architectures Proceedings of the 9th European software engineering conference held jointly with 11th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering, (68-77)
  308. ACM
    Osterweil L Understanding process and the quest for deeper questions in software engineering research Proceedings of the 9th European software engineering conference held jointly with 11th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering, (6-14)
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  393. Seffah A, Djouab R and Antunes H Comparing and reconciling usability-centered and use case-driven requirements engineering processes Proceedings of the 2nd Australasian conference on User interface, (132-139)
  394. Scogings C and Phillips C A method for the early stages of interactive system design using UML and Lean Cuisine+ Proceedings of the 2nd Australasian conference on User interface, (69-76)
  395. Seffah A, Djouab R and Antunes H (2001). Comparing and reconciling usability-centered and use case-driven requirements engineering processes, Australian Computer Science Communications, 23:5, (132-139), Online publication date: 25-Jan-2001.
  396. Scogings C and Phillips C (2001). A method for the early stages of interactive system design using UML and Lean Cuisine+, Australian Computer Science Communications, 23:5, (69-76), Online publication date: 25-Jan-2001.
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  398. Carr J and Balci O Verification and validation of object-oriented artifacts throughout the simulation model development life cycle Proceedings of the 32nd conference on Winter simulation, (866-871)
  399. Pons C, Giandini R and Baum G Dependency Relations between Models in the Unified Process Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Software Specification and Design
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  402. Mizuno M, Singh G and Neilsen M A structured approach to develop concurrent programs in UML Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on The unified modeling language: advancing the standard, (451-465)
  403. Hennicker R and Koch N A UML-based methodology for hypermedia design Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on The unified modeling language: advancing the standard, (410-424)
  404. Vilain P, Schwabe D and de Souza C A diagrammatic tool for representing user interaction in UML Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on The unified modeling language: advancing the standard, (133-147)
  405. Nunes N and e Cunha J Towards a UML profile for interaction design Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on The unified modeling language: advancing the standard, (101-116)
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  411. Chung S and Lee Y Reverse Software Engineering with UML for Web Site Maintenance Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE'00)-Volume 2 - Volume 2
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  428. Övergaard G A formal approach to collaborations in the unified modeling language Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on The unified modeling language: beyond the standard, (99-115)
  429. Jäger D, Schleicher A and Westfechtel B Using UML for software process modeling Proceedings of the 7th European software engineering conference held jointly with the 7th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering, (91-108)
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  435. Fernandes E, Oliveira J and Figueiredo E Investigating how features of online learning support software process education 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), (1-8)
  436. Böhm C and Motschnig R Developing diversity awareness of software engineers: A Diversity Framework and its application in an academic and life-long learning context 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), (1-8)
  • Florida Atlantic University
  • IBM Research
  • General Electric Company



George R. Mayforth

The Unified Process is a software development tool developed over thirty years that was started at Ericsson and, following a series of development steps, is now supported by Rational Software, which markets the process and a large variety of products that support it. The book provides a detailed description of the process, its benefits, and how it fits into a project management framework. The Unified Process is described as “use-case driven, architecture-centric, iterative, and incremental.” It uses the controlled iteration software development model, by which the overall project is treated as a series of iterations. A project goes through the steps of inception, elaboration, construction, and transition. Each of these phases entails five workflows: requirements, analysis, design, implementation, and testing. As the phases proceed, the workflow emphasis changes to reflect the state of the project. For example, during inception, the emphasis is on requirements and proof of concept rather than on producing finished code, whereas during construction, the requirements should be well understood and code becomes the focus. The Unified Process assumes the use of object-oriented development tools and the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a developing standard of which the authors are among the primary developers. It is assumed that readers have “a basic grasp of object-oriented concepts.” The book is targeted at “members of the development team who deal with the life-cycle activities requirements, analysis, design, implementation, and testing—that is, in work that results in UML models.” That said, UML is used minimally here, given the focus on process. The book is broken into three parts: an overview of the Unified Process, the core workflows in detail, and the four project phases in detail. Appendices provide a brief overview of UML, Unified Process extensions to the UML standard, and a glossary of terms. Overall, this book is well written and detailed. It provides well-thought-out descriptions of the elements of the Unified Process. Given the amount of detail presented, however, the notion of using the process can seem overwhelming at first (and the authors mention that the full documentation for Rational's Unified Process is more than four times the 400+ pages of this book). One should expect to read the book first for an overview, followed by a more in-depth study of the material.

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