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Photoshop CS5 + Web Design 2 (Adobe Creative Suite 5 Web Premium): Buy this book, get a job !March 2011
  • CreateSpace
  • 100 Enterprise Way, Suite A200
  • Scotts Valley
  • CA
Published:30 March 2011
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| Macintosh / Windows version book with shortcuts. | Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced - Pro level book. | Alltogether there are 80 easy, step-by-step, professional tutorials in this book. | The initial (Zero) Chapter show you how to make a simple web site.| Professionals often use shortcuts, instead of menus - in order to work faster. That's why next to each tutorial you can find Macintosh and Windows shortcuts to learn. | The book is about the Adobe Creative Suite 5 Web premium, focusing on the web design workflow. | This software package containing Photoshop CS5 Extended, Illustrator CS5, Flash CS5 and Dreamweaver CS5 software. | That's why in the other chapters of the book you can find Photoshop CS5, Illustrator CS5 and InDesign CS5 tutorials. | Professionals often use shortcuts, instead of menus - in order to work faster. That's why next to each tutorial you can find Macintosh and Windows shortcuts to learn. | The book is about the Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium, focusing on the web design workflow. | This software package containing Photoshop CS5 Extended, Illustrator CS5, Flash CS5, Dreamweaver CS5 and InDesign CS5 software. | That's why in the chapters of the book you can find Photoshop CS5, Illustrator CS5, Flash CS5, Dreamweaver CS5 and InDesign CS5 tutorials. | CONTENTS | CHAPTER 0: 1.Photoshop CS5/Opacity, 2.Photoshop CS5/Text, 3. Photoshop CS5/Image Size, 4.Photoshop CS5/1 Pixel width line, 5.Photoshop CS5/Slice Tool, 6.Photoshop CS5/Save for Web and Devices, 7.Dreamweaver CS5/AP Elements, 8.Dreamweaver CS5/Text,Link, 9.Dreamweaver CS5/Page Properties Window, 10.Dreamweaver CS5/Named Anchor, 11.Flash CS5/Flash Animation, 12.Dreamweaver CS5/Insert Media Flash | CHAPTER 1 / PHOTOSHOP CS5: 1.Tools, 2. Options, 3.Layers, 4.Paths, 5.Color, 6. Swatches, 7.Info, 8.Character, 9.Actions, 10.History | CHAPTER 2 / PHOTOSHOP CS5: 1.Color Settings, 2.RGB/CMYK, 3.Image Size, 4.Canvas Size, 5.Levels, 6.Curves, 7.Yellow Veil, 8.Path, 9.Selection, 10.Load Selection | CHAPTER 3 / PHOTOSHOP CS5: 1.Feather, 2.Mask, 3.Skin Color, 4.Clone, 5.Shadow, 6.Control Key, 7.Mirror Effect, 8.Motion Blur, 9.Saturation, 10.Sharpen | CHAPTER 4 / PHOTOSHOP CS5: 1.Color Picker, 2.Layers, 3.Bevel and Emboss, 4.3D, 5.Clone, 6.Actions, 7.History, 8.New Guide, 9.Slice, 10.Save for Web and Devices | CHAPTER 5 / ILLUSTRATOR CS5: 1.Colors, 2.Preferences, 3.Shortcuts, 4.New..., 5.Setup, 6.Bridge, 7.File Info, 8.Polygon, 9.Pathfinder, 10.Save for Web | CHAPTER 6 / FLASH CS5: 1.Welcome Screen, 2.New, 3.Library, 4.Cell Animation, 5.Keyframe, 6.New Symbol..., 7.Modify, 8.Animation, 9.Sound, 10.Export Movie... | CHAPTER 7 / DREAMWEAVER CS5: 1.Preferences, 2.New, 3.Modify, 4.Insert, 5.Link, 6.E-mail, 7.Anchor, 8.4 View | All these tutorials are real, made in editorial offices and graphic design studios. | That's why this book useful for people who want to apply for a desktop publisher/graphic designer position, but do not have a working experience yet. | But this book give to you the necessary knowledge, for a successfull application, and to get the job. | Buy this book, get a job ! |

