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Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification: 15th International Workshop, DSV-IS 2008 Kingston, Canada, July 16-18, 2008 Revised PapersJuly 2008
  • Springer-Verlag
  • Berlin, Heidelberg
Published:01 July 2008
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EMU in the Car: Evaluating Multimodal Usability of a Satellite Navigation System

The design and evaluation of multimodal systems has traditionally been a craft skill. There are some well established heuristics, guidelines and frameworks for assessing multimodal interactions, but no established methodologies that focus on the design ...

Comparing Mixed Interactive Systems for Navigating 3D Environments in Museums

This work aims at developing appropriate Mixed Interaction Systems (MIS) for navigating 3D environments in a science centre context. Due to the wide range and multi-disciplinary design aspects to consider in this context and the lack of expertise in ...

An Attentive Groupware Device to Mitigate Information Overload

We propose an attentive device for synchronous groupware systems to mitigate information overload. The <Literal>opportunity seeker</Literal>device leverages the users' natural alternation between doing individual work and attending to the group to ...

Multi-fidelity User Interface Specifications

Specifying user interfaces consists in a fundamental activity in the user interface development life cycle as it informs the subsequent steps. Good quality specifications could lead to a user interface that satisfies the user's needs. The user interface ...

HOPS: A Prototypical Specification Tool for Interactive Systems

This article suggests higher-order processes as a formal framework to model interactive systems and supplies a corresponding prototypical specifi cation tool (HOPS). Processes and their components reflect the recursive nature of interaction. Each ...

Systematic Analysis of Control Panel Interfaces Using Formal Tools

The paper explores the role that formal modeling may play in aiding the visualization and implementation of usability requirements of a control panel. We propose that this form of analysis should become a systematic and routine aspect of the development ...

Investigating System Navigation Ergonomics through Model Verification

This paper discusses the use of formal models in the process of investigating the ergonomics of the navigation component in interactive systems. The investigation is based upon model analysis and a set of navigation properties. The formalism employed on ...

Tool Support for Representing Task Models, Dialog Models and User-Interface Specifications

This paper focuses on the visualization of task models. Models in general can be presented in different ways. We focus on tool support for different editors working on the same instance of a task model.

Towards a Library of Workflow User Interface Patterns

A collection of user interface design patterns for workflow infor ma tion systems is presented. Each Workflow User Interface Pattern (WUIP) is characterized by properties expressed in the PLML markup language for expressing patterns and augmented by ...

Specification and Verification of Multi-agent Systems Interaction Protocols Using a Combination of AUML and Event B

In this paper, we present a specification and verification technique for interaction protocols in multi-agent systems using a combination of Agent Unified Modeling Language (AUML) and the Event B method. The objective is to improve the semi-formal ...

Pattern Languages as Tool for Discount Usability Engineering

Despite growing pattern collections in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), both on the Internet [1-3] and in books [4, 5], these collections have usability problems when being used by those software engineers, who lack expertise in human-...

Cascading Dialog Modeling with UsiXML

This paper discusses multi-level dialog specifications for user interfaces of multi-target interactive systems and it proposes a step-wise method that combines a transformational approach for model-to-model derivation and an interactive editing of ...

Designing Graphical Elements for Cognitively Demanding Activities: An Account on Fine-Tuning for Colors

Interactive systems evolve: during their lifetime, new functions are added, and hardware or software parts are changed, which can impact graphical rendering. Tools and methods to design, justify, and validate user interfaces at the level of graphical ...

Lightweight Coding of Structurally Varying Dialogs

A non-language-specific technique is given for programming of user interface (UI) dialogs. It allows the model (application data) to be pure (containing no UI-specific code). It requires no writing of callbacks or event handler functions. It allows ...

ReWiRe: Designing Reactive Systems for Pervasive Environments

The design of interactive software that populates an ambient space is a complex and ad-hoc process with traditional software development approaches. In an ambient space, important building blocks can be both physical objects within the user's reach and ...

Toward Multi-disciplinary Model-Based (Re)Design of Sustainable User Interfaces

This paper reports on our experience in using the MuiCSer process framework for the redesign of the user interface for operating an industrial digital printing system. MuiCSer is created to support the user-centered interface design of new <em>and</em>...

A Model-Based Approach to Supporting Configuration in Ubiquitous Systems

This paper presents an approach for representing, and providing computer support for, the configuration of interactive systems, particularly ubiquitous systems, that offers a flexible method for combining a wide range of configuration techniques. There ...

Exploiting Web Services and Model-Based User Interfaces for Multi-device Access to Home Applications

This paper presents a method, and the corresponding software architecture and prototype implementation to generate multi-device user interfaces in the home domain. The approach is based on Web services and model-based user interface generation. In ...

Resources for Situated Actions

In recent years, advances in software tools have made it easier to analyze interactive system specifications, and the range of their possible behaviors. However, the effort involved in producing the specifications of the system is still substantial, and ...

An Architecture and a Formal Description Technique for the Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable User Interfaces

This paper proposes an architecture that provides a means to handle failures of input and output devices. This handling is done by means of previously defined and designed configurations. According to the failure identified at runtime of the interactive ...

COMET(s), A Software Architecture Style and an Interactors Toolkit for Plastic User Interfaces

Plasticity of User Interfaces (UIs) refers to the ability of UIs to withstand variations of context of use (<User, Platform, Environment>) while preserving usability. This paper presents COMET, a software architecture style for building task-based ...

Executable Models for Human-Computer Interaction

Model-based user interface development is grounded on the idea to utilize models at design time to derive user interfaces from the modeled information. There is however an increasing demand for user interfaces that adapt to the context of use at ...

A Middleware for Seamless Use of Multiple Displays

Current multi-display environments (MDEs) can be composed of displays with different characteristics (e.g. resolution, size) located in any position and at different angles. These heterogeneous arrangements present specific interface problems: it is ...

Graphic Rendering Considered as a Compilation Chain

Graphical rendering must be fast enough so as to avoid hindering the user perception/action loop. Traditionally, programmers interleave descriptions and optimizations to achieve such performances, thus compromising modularity. In this paper, we consider ...

Towards Specifying Multimodal Collaborative User Interfaces: A Comparison of Collaboration Notations

Interactive systems including multiple interaction devices and surfaces for supporting the collaboration of a group of co-located users are increasingly common in various domains. Nevertheless few collaborative and multimodal interface specification ...

Towards Characterizing Visualizations

The ability to characterize visualizations would bring several benefits to the design process. It would help designers to assess their designs, reuse existing designs in new contexts, communicate with other designers and write compact and unambiguous ...

Towards Usability Evaluation for Smart Appliance Ensembles

Smart environments comprise users and devices to form ad-hoc an ensemble and assist the users to fulfill their tasks more efficiently and more conveniently. This introduces new challenges for usability evaluations. To cope with theses issues, we propose ...

Task Model Refinement with Meta Operators

In model-based user interface (UI) development task models are successively refined into more detailed task specifications. To ensure that analysis information is correctly translated into requirements and design artifacts it is important to verify that ...

Utilizing Dynamic Executable Models for User Interface Development

In this demonstration we present the Multi Access Service Platform (MASP), a model-based runtime architecture for user interface development based on the idea of dynamic executable models. Such models are self-contained and complete as they contain the ...

  • Queen’s University
  • Computer Science Research Institute of Toulouse
