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New Computational Paradigms: Changing Conceptions of What is ComputableDecember 2007
12 December 2007
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In recent years, classical computability has expanded beyond its original scope to address issues related to computability and complexity in algebra, analysis, and physics. The deep interconnection between "computation" and "proof" has originated much of the most significant work in constructive mathematics and mathematical logic of the last 70 years. Moreover, the increasingly compelling necessity to deal with computability in the real world (such as computing on continuous data, biological computing, and physical models) has brought focus to new paradigms of computation that are based on biological and physical models. These models address questions of efficiency in a radically new way and even threaten to move the so-called Turing barrier, i.e. the line between the decidable and the un-decidable.

This book examines new developments in the theory and practice of computation from a mathematical perspective, with topics ranging from classical computability to complexity, from biocomputing to quantum computing. The book opens with an introduction by Andrew Hodges, the Turing biographer, who analyzes the pioneering work that anticipated recent developments concerning computations allegedly new paradigms. The remaining material covers traditional topics in computability theory such as relative computability, theory of numberings, and domain theory, in addition to topics on the relationships between proof theory, computability, and complexity theory. New paradigms of computation arising from biology and quantum physics are also discussed, as well as the computability of the real numbers and its related issues.

This book is suitable for researchers and graduate students in mathematics, philosophy, and computer science with a special interest in logic and foundational issues. Most useful to graduate students are the survey papers on computable analysis and biological computing. Logicians and theoretical physicists will also benefit from this book.

  • University of Siena



Hector Zenil

A compilation of extremely interesting papers from prominent scholars in each of the covered fields, this book spans from new models of computation to connections between computation and physical systems. Some authors explore old questions in computability theory from new insights, such as the Church-Turing thesis, while others propose new developments in the theory and practice of computation from a mathematical and logical point of view. The book is divided into four parts, starting with an exploration of the Turing model of computation and its applications to logic, mathematics, philosophy, and computer science (CS). Then, Part 2 focuses on logic, computational, and algorithmic complexity theory. Part 3 includes two papers on models of computation inspired by or related to nature. Finally, Part 4 talks about real and analogous computation, taking advantage of continuum variables (time, space, and real numbers). Models of computation based on continuous data, biological computing, and physical models have brought new paradigms to computation. These new models address questions of efficiency and the feasibility of going beyond the Turing barrier. The book is an excellent resource for researchers and graduate students concerned with mathematical foundations of computation, philosophy, and theoretical CS, with a special interest in logic and computability theory. Online Computing Reviews Service

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