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The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of MoreJuly 2006
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Published:01 July 2006
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  1. ACM
    Daniil S, Cuper M, Liem C, van Ossenbruggen J and Hollink L (2023). Reproducing Popularity Bias in Recommendation: The Effect of Evaluation Strategies, ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems, 2:1, (1-39), Online publication date: 31-Mar-2024.
  2. Baldauf C, Eng-Larsson F and Isaksson O (2024). Where to Cut the Long Tail? The Value of Carrying Inventory in Online Retail, Management Science, 70:3, (1855-1874), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2024.
  3. ACM
    Fu Z, Niu X and Maher M (2023). Deep Learning Models for Serendipity Recommendations: A Survey and New Perspectives, ACM Computing Surveys, 56:1, (1-26), Online publication date: 31-Jan-2024.
  4. Donnelly R, Kanodia A and Morozov I (2024). Welfare Effects of Personalized Rankings, Marketing Science, 43:1, (92-113), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2024.
  5. Nakano S (2023). Customer demand concentration in online grocery retailing, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 62:C, Online publication date: 1-Nov-2023.
  6. Zhao Z, Chen J, Zhou S, He X, Cao X, Zhang F and Wu W (2023). Popularity Bias is not Always Evil: Disentangling Benign and Harmful Bias for Recommendation, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 35:10, (9920-9931), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2023.
  7. Sánchez P, Bellogín A and Boratto L (2023). Bias characterization, assessment, and mitigation in location-based recommender systems, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 37:5, (1885-1929), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2023.
  8. Diao X, Shi D, Tang H, Shen Q, Li Y, Wu L and Xu H RZCR Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (654-662)
  9. ACM
    Yang H, Choi Y, Kim G and Lee J LOAM: Improving Long-tail Session-based Recommendation via Niche Walk Augmentation and Tail Session Mixup Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, (527-536)
  10. ACM
    Alhijawi B, Awajan A and Fraihat S (2022). Survey on the Objectives of Recommender Systems: Measures, Solutions, Evaluation Methodology, and New Perspectives, ACM Computing Surveys, 55:5, (1-38), Online publication date: 31-May-2023.
  11. Yang X, Yang Y, Su J, Sun Y, Fan S, Wang Z, Zhang J and Chen J (2023). Who's Next: Rising Star Prediction via Diffusion of User Interest in Social Networks, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 35:5, (5413-5425), Online publication date: 1-May-2023.
  12. Mussi M, Genalti G, Nuara A, Trovó F, Restelli M and Gatti N Dynamic pricing with volume discounts in online settings Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Thirty-Fifth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Thirteenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, (15560-15568)
  13. Liu Y, Rong Y, Guo Z, Chen N, Xu T, Tsung F and Li J Human mobility modeling during the COVID-19 pandemic via deep graph diffusion infomax Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Thirty-Fifth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Thirteenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, (14347-14355)
  14. ACM
    Chouaki S, Bouzenia I, Goga O and Roussillon B (2022). Exploring the Online Micro-targeting Practices of Small, Medium, and Large Businesses, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6:CSCW2, (1-23), Online publication date: 7-Nov-2022.
  15. Pei J (2022). A Survey on Data Pricing: From Economics to Data Science, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 34:10, (4586-4608), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2022.
  16. Zhu Z, Wang S, Wang F and Tu Z (2022). Recommendation networks of homogeneous products on an E-commerce platform, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 201:C, Online publication date: 1-Sep-2022.
  17. ACM
    Mussi M, Genalti G, Trovò F, Nuara A, Gatti N and Restelli M Pricing the Long Tail by Explainable Product Aggregation and Monotonic Bandits Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, (3623-3633)
  18. Wan X (2022). Omnichannel Distribution to Fulfill Retail Orders, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24:4, (2150-2165), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2022.
  19. Jain N and Tan T (2022). M-Commerce, Sales Concentration, and Inventory Management, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24:4, (2256-2273), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2022.
  20. ACM
    Zhao L, Alhoshan W, Ferrari A, Letsholo K, Ajagbe M, Chioasca E and Batista-Navarro R (2021). Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering, ACM Computing Surveys, 54:3, (1-41), Online publication date: 30-Apr-2022.
  21. ACM
    Tang S and Zhang X CADPP: An Effective Approach to Recommend Attentive and Diverse Long-tail Items IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, (218-225)
  22. Ranjbar Kermany N, Zhao W, Yang J, Wu J and Pizzato L (2021). A fairness-aware multi-stakeholder recommender system, World Wide Web, 24:6, (1995-2018), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2021.
  23. ACM
    Yue Z, He Z, Zeng H and McAuley J Black-Box Attacks on Sequential Recommenders via Data-Free Model Extraction Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, (44-54)
  24. Deldjoo Y, Bellogin A and Di Noia T (2021). Explaining recommender systems fairness and accuracy through the lens of data characteristics, Information Processing and Management: an International Journal, 58:5, Online publication date: 1-Sep-2021.
  25. ACM
    Abdollahpouri H, Mansoury M, Burke R, Mobasher B and Malthouse E User-centered Evaluation of Popularity Bias in Recommender Systems Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, (119-129)
  26. Battistella C, Murgia G and Nonino F (2021). Free-driven web-based business models, Electronic Commerce Research, 21:2, (445-486), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2021.
  27. Huang H, Yang J and Zheng B (2021). Demand effects of product similarity network in e-commerce platform, Electronic Commerce Research, 21:2, (297-327), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2021.
  28. ACM
    Gabbolini G, D'Amico E, Bernardis C and Cremonesi P On the instability of embeddings for recommender systems Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (1363-1370)
  29. ACM
    Zhu Z, He Y, Zhao X, Zhang Y, Wang J and Caverlee J Popularity-Opportunity Bias in Collaborative Filtering Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, (85-93)
  30. Lee D and Hosanagar K (2021). How Do Product Attributes and Reviews Moderate the Impact of Recommender Systems Through Purchase Stages?, Management Science, 67:1, (524-546), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2021.
  31. Li J, Lu K, Huang Z and Shen H (2020). On Both Cold-Start and Long-Tail Recommendation with Social Data, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 33:1, (194-208), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2021.
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    Annett M (2020). Understanding the Homepreneurship Opportunities Afforded by Social Networking and Personal Fabrication Technologies, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 4:CSCW2, (1-48), Online publication date: 14-Oct-2020.
  35. ACM
    Liu S and Zheng Y Long-tail Session-based Recommendation Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, (509-514)
  36. Valcarce D, Bellogín A, Parapar J and Castells P (2020). Assessing ranking metrics in top-N recommendation, Information Retrieval, 23:4, (411-448), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2020.
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    Deldjoo Y, Di Noia T, Di Sciascio E and Merra F How Dataset Characteristics Affect the Robustness of Collaborative Recommendation Models Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, (951-960)
  38. ACM
    Eskandanian F and Mobasher B Using Stable Matching to Optimize the Balance between Accuracy and Diversity in Recommendation Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, (71-79)
  39. Sibley C and Crooks A Exploring the effects of link recommendations on social networks Proceedings of the 2020 Spring Simulation Conference, (1-12)
  40. Zygmunt A, Koźlak J, Gliwa B, Stojkow M, Żuchowska–Skiba D and Demazeau Y (2020). Achieving and maintaining important roles in social media, Information Processing and Management: an International Journal, 57:3, Online publication date: 1-May-2020.
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    Khurana R and Hodges S Beyond the Prototype: Understanding the Challenge of Scaling Hardware Device Production Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1-11)
  42. Max Wei Y (2020). The Similarity Network of Motion Pictures, Management Science, 66:4, (1647-1671), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2020.
  43. Nguyen P, Di Rocco J, Di Ruscio D and Di Penta M (2020). CrossRec, Journal of Systems and Software, 161:C, Online publication date: 1-Mar-2020.
  44. Sreepada R and Patra B (2020). Mitigating long tail effect in recommendations using few shot learning technique, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 140:C, Online publication date: 1-Feb-2020.
  45. Gan M, Zhang H and Hens C (2020). DeepFusion, Complexity, 2020, Online publication date: 1-Jan-2020.
  46. ACM
    Zheng Y A Course on Applied AI and Data Science Proceedings of the 20th Annual SIG Conference on Information Technology Education, (43-48)
  47. Vuori V, Helander N and Okkonen J (2019). Digitalization in knowledge work: the dream of enhanced performance, Cognition, Technology and Work, 21:2, (237-252), Online publication date: 1-May-2019.
  48. Liu Y, Xiong Q, Sun J, Jiang Y, Silva T and Ling H (2020). Topic-based hierarchical Bayesian linear regression models for niche items recommendation, Journal of Information Science, 45:1, (92-104), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2019.
  49. Nikolakopoulos A, Kalantzis V, Gallopoulos E and Garofalakis J (2019). EigenRec, Knowledge and Information Systems, 58:1, (59-81), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2019.
  50. Koren I and Klamma R (2018). Enabling visual community learning analytics with Internet of Things devices, Computers in Human Behavior, 89:C, (385-394), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2018.
  51. ACM
    Sidana S, Laclau C and Amini M Learning to recommend diverse items over implicit feedback on PANDOR Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, (427-431)
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    Chaney A, Stewart B and Engelhardt B How algorithmic confounding in recommendation systems increases homogeneity and decreases utility Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, (224-232)
  53. Price C BrewFinder – An Interactive Flavor Map Informed by Users Social Computing and Social Media. User Experience and Behavior, (342-354)
  54. ACM
    Wasilewski J and Hurley N Are You Reaching Your Audience? Proceedings of the 26th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, (213-217)
  55. ACM
    Lee E, Kim D, Lim H and Chun S Long tail phenomenon in public policy Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in the Data Age, (1-6)
  56. ACM
    Hahn J The Navigation of Topic Space Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, (337-338)
  57. Brambilla M, Ceri S, Daniel F, Di Giovanni M, Mauri A and Ramponi G Iterative Knowledge Extraction from Social Networks Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, (1359-1364)
  58. Koren I and Klamma R The Exploitation of OpenAPI Documentation for the Generation of Web Frontends Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, (781-787)
  59. Polato M and Aiolli F (2017). Exploiting sparsity to build efficient kernel based collaborative filtering for top-N item recommendation, Neurocomputing, 268:C, (17-26), Online publication date: 13-Dec-2017.
  60. ACM
    Schedl M and Bauer C Introducing Global and Regional Mainstreaminess for Improving Personalized Music Recommendation Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia, (74-81)
  61. ACM
    Kubek M, Meesad P and Unger H User-based document ranking Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Communication and Information Processing, (119-123)
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    Dhakad L, Das M, Bhattacharyya C, Datta S, Kale M and Mehta V SOPER Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, (1609-1618)
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    Li J, Lu K, Huang Z and Shen H Two Birds One Stone Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia, (898-906)
  64. O'Neill E, Kammerer K and Bennett R (2017). The aboutness of words, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68:10, (2471-2483), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2017.
  65. Xia F, Yu C, Xu L, Qian W and Zhou A (2017). Top-k temporal keyword search over social media data, World Wide Web, 20:5, (1049-1069), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2017.
  66. ACM
    Abdollahpouri H, Burke R and Mobasher B Controlling Popularity Bias in Learning-to-Rank Recommendation Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, (42-46)
  67. ACM
    Johnson J and Ng Y Enhancing long tail item recommendations using tripartite graphs and Markov process Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, (761-768)
  68. ACM
    Prost-Boucle A, Pétrot F, Leroy V and Alemdar H (2017). Efficient and Versatile FPGA Acceleration of Support Counting for Stream Mining of Sequences and Frequent Itemsets, ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, 10:3, (1-25), Online publication date: 21-Jul-2017.
  69. ACM
    Schedl M and Bauer C Distance- and Rank-based Music Mainstreaminess Measurement Adjunct Publication of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, (364-367)
  70. ACM
    Tang B, Han S, Yiu M, Ding R and Zhang D Extracting Top-K Insights from Multi-dimensional Data Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data, (1509-1524)
  71. Brambilla M, Ceri S, Della Valle E, Volonterio R and Acero Salazar F Extracting Emerging Knowledge from Social Media Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, (795-804)
  72. ACM
    Kaminskas M and Bridge D (2016). Diversity, Serendipity, Novelty, and Coverage, ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 7:1, (1-42), Online publication date: 23-Mar-2017.
  73. Naeem M, Dobbie G, Lutteroth C and Weber G (2017). Skewed distributions in semi-stream joins, Information Systems, 64:C, (63-74), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2017.
  74. Leroy V, Kirchgessner M, Termier A and Amer-Yahia S (2017). TopPI, Information Systems, 64:C, (104-118), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2017.
  75. Chen H, Duan W and Zhou W (2017). The interplay between free sampling and word of mouth in the online software market, Decision Support Systems, 95:C, (82-90), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2017.
  76. Prestopnik N, Crowston K and Wang J (2017). Gamers, citizen scientists, and data, Computers in Human Behavior, 68:C, (254-268), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2017.
  77. ACM
    Caneill M, El Rheddane A, Leroy V and De Palma N Locality-Aware Routing in Stateful Streaming Applications Proceedings of the 17th International Middleware Conference, (1-13)
  78. Koçaş C and Akkan C (2016). A system for pricing the sales distribution from blockbusters to the long tail, Decision Support Systems, 89:C, (56-65), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2016.
  79. Lizcano D, López G, Soriano J and Lloret J (2016). Implementation of end-user development success factors in mashup development environments, Computer Standards & Interfaces, 47:C, (1-18), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2016.
  80. Altug M and Aydinliyim T (2016). Counteracting Strategic Purchase Deferrals, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 18:3, (376-392), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2016.
  81. ACM
    DePaula N and Dincelli E An Empirical Analysis of Local Government Social Media Communication Proceedings of the 17th International Digital Government Research Conference on Digital Government Research, (348-356)
  82. Modarresi K (2016). Recommendation System Based on Complete Personalization, Procedia Computer Science, 80:C, (2190-2204), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.
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  84. Lee D and Hosanagar K When do Recommender Systems Work the Best? Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web, (85-97)
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  86. Nakatsuji M, Toda H, Sawada H, Zheng J and Hendler J (2016). Semantic sensitive tensor factorization, Artificial Intelligence, 230:C, (224-245), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2016.
  87. Baek Y (2015). Relationship Between Cultural Distance and Cross-Cultural Music Video Consumption on YouTube, Social Science Computer Review, 33:6, (730-748), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2015.
  88. Prestopnik N and Tang J (2015). Points, stories, worlds, and diegesis, Computers in Human Behavior, 52:C, (492-506), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2015.
  89. ACM
    Baltadzhieva A and Chrupała G (2015). Question Quality in Community Question Answering Forums, ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, 17:1, (8-13), Online publication date: 29-Sep-2015.
  90. Modarresi K (2015). Computation of Recommender System Using Localized Regularization, Procedia Computer Science, 51:C, (2407-2416), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2015.
  91. Wiedau A, Gilgen D, Frankjær R, Goerlich T and Wiedau M Commiticator Proceedings, Part II, of the 4th International Conference on Design, User Experience, and Usability: Users and Interactions - Volume 9187, (705-714)
  92. Jing L, Wang P and Yang L Sparse probabilistic matrix factorization by Llaplace distribution for collaborative filtering Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1771-1777)
  93. ACM
    Kingrani S, Levene M and Zhang D Diversity Analysis of Web Search Results Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference, (1-2)
  94. Renzel D, Klamma R and Jarke M IS Success Awareness in Community-Oriented Design Science Research Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on New Horizons in Design Science: Broadening the Research Agenda - Volume 9073, (413-420)
  95. Antikacioglu A, Ravi R and Sridhar S Recommendation Subgraphs for Web Discovery Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, (77-87)
  96. ACM
    Gil Y (2015). Human Tutorial Instruction in the Raw, ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 5:1, (1-29), Online publication date: 25-Mar-2015.
  97. ACM
    Chen B, Chen X and Xing W "Twitter Archeology" of learning analytics and knowledge conferences Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Learning Analytics And Knowledge, (340-349)
  98. Traverso S, Huguenin K, Trestian I, Erramilli V, Laoutaris N and Papagiannaki K (2015). Social-Aware Replication in Geo-Diverse Online Systems, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 26:2, (584-593), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2015.
  99. Yuan H, Ahmad I and Kuo C (2015). Performance-constrained energy reduction in data centers for video-sharing services, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 75:C, (29-39), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2015.
  100. Wang F and Zhang X (2015). The role of the Internet in changing industry competition, Information and Management, 52:1, (71-81), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2015.
  101. Wang J, Peng J and Liu O (2015). A classification approach for less popular webpages based on latent semantic analysis and rough set model, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 42:1, (642-648), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2015.
  102. ACM
    Vargas S and Castells P Improving sales diversity by recommending users to items Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Recommender systems, (145-152)
  103. Nikolakopoulos A and Garofalakis J NCDREC Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT) - Volume 01, (183-190)
  104. ACM
    Shi Y, Larson M and Hanjalic A (2014). Collaborative Filtering beyond the User-Item Matrix, ACM Computing Surveys, 47:1, (1-45), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2014.
  105. ACM
    Ho Y, Chiang Y and Hsu J Who likes it more? Proceedings of the 7th ACM international conference on Web search and data mining, (253-262)
  106. ACM
    Cheliotis G, Hu N, Yew J and Huang J The antecedents of remix Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing, (1011-1022)
  107. Wang Y, Wang S, Fang Y and Chau P (2013). Store survival in online marketplace, Decision Support Systems, 56:C, (482-493), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2013.
  108. Zentner A, Smith M and Kaya C (2013). How Video Rental Patterns Change as Consumers Move Online, Management Science, 59:11, (2622-2634), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2013.
  109. ACM
    Naeem M, Weber G, Dobbie G and Lutteroth C A generic front-stage for semi-stream processing Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information & Knowledge Management, (769-774)
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    Parikh N, Sriram P and Al Hasan M On segmentation of eCommerce queries Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information & Knowledge Management, (1137-1146)
  111. ACM
    Shi L Trading-off among accuracy, similarity, diversity, and long-tail Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Recommender systems, (57-64)
  112. Naeem M, Weber G, Dobbie G and Lutteroth C SSCJ Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery - Volume 8057, (236-247)
  113. ACM
    Niemann K and Wolpers M A new collaborative filtering approach for increasing the aggregate diversity of recommender systems Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, (955-963)
  114. Kimmerle J, Thiel A, Gerbing K, Bientzle M, Halatchliyski I and Cress U (2013). Knowledge construction in an outsider community, Computers in Human Behavior, 29:3, (1078-1090), Online publication date: 1-May-2013.
  115. Huang C, Liang S and Xu Y A sensor data mediator bridging the OGC sensor observation service (SOS) and the OASIS open data protocol (OData) Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems, (129-146)
  116. ACM
    Zhong N and Michahelles F Google play is not a long tail market Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (499-504)
  117. ACM
    Wang Y and Mark G Trust in online news Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work, (599-610)
  118. Mela C, Roos J and Deng Y (2013). Invited Paper---A Keyword History of Marketing Science, Marketing Science, 32:1, (8-18), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.
  119. Moscato V, Picariello A and Rinaldi A (2013). Towards a user based recommendation strategy for digital ecosystems, Knowledge-Based Systems, 37, (165-175), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.
  120. Zhang M, Hurley N, Li W and Xue X A Double-Ranking Strategy for Long-Tail Product Recommendation Proceedings of the The 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology - Volume 01, (282-286)
  121. Lu Q, Chen T, Zhang W, Yang D and Yu Y Serendipitous Personalized Ranking for Top-N Recommendation Proceedings of the The 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology - Volume 01, (258-265)
  122. Ciobanica C, Tudic F and Slavescu R Designing an Information Gathering Application for a Personalized Travel Recommender System Proceedings of the The 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology - Volume 03, (102-106)
  123. ACM
    McDirmid S Escaping the maze of twisty classes Proceedings of the ACM international symposium on New ideas, new paradigms, and reflections on programming and software, (127-138)
  124. Law E, Chatterjee A, Renzel D and Klamma R The social requirements engineering (SRE) approach to developing a large-scale personal learning environment infrastructure Proceedings of the 7th European conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, (194-207)
  125. Yoo Y, Boland R, Lyytinen K and Majchrzak A (2012). Organizing for Innovation in the Digitized World, Organization Science, 23:5, (1398-1408), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2012.
  126. Boudreau K (2012). Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom? An Early Look at Large Numbers of Software App Developers and Patterns of Innovation, Organization Science, 23:5, (1409-1427), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2012.
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    Lerman K and Hogg T (2012). Using Stochastic Models to Describe and Predict Social Dynamics of Web Users, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 3:4, (1-33), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2012.
  128. Ren Y, Li G and Zhou W Learning Rating Patterns for Top-N Recommendations Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2012), (472-479)
  129. ACM
    Shi K and Ali K GetJar mobile application recommendations with very sparse datasets Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, (204-212)
  130. ACM
    Naeem M, Dobbie G, Bajwa I and Weber G Resource optimization for processing of stream data in data warehouse environment Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, (62-68)
  131. Merener M (2012). Theoretical Results on De-Anonymization via Linkage Attacks, Transactions on Data Privacy, 5:2, (377-402), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2012.
  132. ACM
    Plale B Managing the long tail of science Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment: Bridging from the eXtreme to the campus and beyond, (1-2)
  133. Cremonesi P, Picozzi M and Matera M A comparison of recommender systems for mashup composition Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering, (54-58)
  134. Stefik M and Good L (2012). Design and Deployment of a Personalized News Service, AI Magazine, 33:2, (28-42), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2012.
  135. ACM
    Cremonesi P, Garzotto F and Turrin R (2012). Investigating the Persuasion Potential of Recommender Systems from a Quality Perspective, ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 2:2, (1-41), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2012.
  136. ACM
    Lee S, O'Brien-Strain E, Liu J and Lin Q A survey on web use CHI '12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (619-628)
  137. Yin H, Cui B, Li J, Yao J and Chen C (2012). Challenging the long tail recommendation, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 5:9, (896-907), Online publication date: 1-May-2012.
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    Brodersen A, Scellato S and Wattenhofer M YouTube around the world Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web, (241-250)
  139. Oestreicher-Singer G and Sundararajan A (2012). Recommendation networks and the long tail of electronic commerce, MIS Quarterly, 36:1, (65-84), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2012.
  140. Basole R and Karla J (2012). Value Transformation in the Mobile Service Ecosystem, Service Science, 4:1, (24-41), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2012.
  141. ACM
    Noble J Minority voices of crowdsourcing Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work Companion, (179-182)
  142. Naeem M, Dobbie G and Weber G Optimised X-HYBRIDJOIN for near-real-time data warehousing Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Australasian Database Conference - Volume 124, (21-30)
  143. ACM
    Fischer G Beyond interaction Proceedings of the 23rd Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, (112-121)
  144. ACM
    Mathew A, Rogers Y and Lloyd P Post-it note art Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, (61-70)
  145. ACM
    Lee K and Lee K My head is your tail Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Recommender systems, (213-220)
  146. Dobbie G, Naeem M and Weber G (2011). HYBRIDJOIN for Near-Real-Time Data Warehousing, International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, 7:4, (21-42), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2011.
  147. Barricelli B, Zhu L and Iacob C (2011). A Meta-Design Model for Creative Distributed Collaborative Design, International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, 2:4, (1-16), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2011.
  148. ACM
    Knight M and Cook C Beyond technological determinism Proceedings of the 15th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments, (249-253)
  149. Jiang B, Jerath K and Srinivasan K (2011). Firm Strategies in the “Mid Tail” of Platform-Based Retailing, Marketing Science, 30:5, (757-775), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2011.
  150. ACM
    Pradel B, Sean S, Delporte J, Guérif S, Rouveirol C, Usunier N, Fogelman-Soulié F and Dufau-Joel F A case study in a recommender system based on purchase data Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, (377-385)
  151. ACM
    Wang J and Zhang Y Utilizing marginal net utility for recommendation in e-commerce Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in Information Retrieval, (1003-1012)
  152. ACM
    Lappas T, Punera K and Sarlos T Mining tags using social endorsement networks Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in Information Retrieval, (195-204)
  153. Naeem M, Dobbie G and Weber G X-HYBRIDJOIN for near-real-time data warehousing Proceedings of the 28th British national conference on Advances in databases, (33-47)
  154. ACM
    Lim S and Bentley P Evolving relationships between social networks and stakeholder involvement in software projects Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, (1899-1906)
  155. ACM
    Silva J and Aparicio M Community sharing platform for mobile devices Proceedings of the 2011 Workshop on Open Source and Design of Communication, (7-11)
  156. Kendal M and Hudson A On the beach - a handbook for using 3D virtual digital platforms like second life - "the WEISL" Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, (63-72)
  157. ACM
    Arquilla V, Genco D and Mortati M The design of a knowledge exchange network between university and SMEs Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, (1-8)
  158. Aghaee S and Pautasso C End-User programming for web mashups Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Current Trends in Web Engineering, (347-351)
  159. ACM
    Picazo-Vela S, Gutiérrez-Martinez I and Luna-Reyes L Social media in the public sector Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Digital Government Research Conference: Digital Government Innovation in Challenging Times, (198-203)
  160. Ardito C, Barricelli B, Buono P, Costabile M, Lanzilotti R, Piccinno A and Valtolina S An ontology-based approach to product customization Proceedings of the Third international conference on End-user development, (92-106)
  161. ACM
    Zanardi V and Capra L Dynamic updating of online recommender systems via feed-forward controllers Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, (11-19)
  162. Hinz O, Eckert J and Skiera B (2011). Drivers of the Long Tail Phenomenon, Journal of Management Information Systems, 27:4, (43-70), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2011.
  163. Sloep P, Boon J, Cornu B, Klebl M, Lefrere P, Naeve A, Scott P and Tinoca L (2011). A European research agenda for lifelong learning, International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3:2, (204-228), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2011.
  164. ACM
    Schiller O, Schiller B, Brodt A and Mitschang B Native support of multi-tenancy in RDBMS for software as a service Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, (117-128)
  165. Goldfarb A and Tucker C (2011). Search Engine Advertising, Management Science, 57:3, (458-470), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2011.
  166. ACM
    Murphy M Notes toward a politics of personalization Proceedings of the 2011 iConference, (546-551)
  167. ACM
    Fish A Governance of labor in digital video networks Proceedings of the 2011 iConference, (466-471)
  168. ACM
    Underwood P and Welser H 'The internet is here' Proceedings of the 2011 iConference, (304-311)
  169. Duval E, Verbert K and Klerkx J Towards an open learning infrastructure for open educational resources Rainbow of computer science, (144-156)
  170. Domik G and Fischer G Transdisciplinary collaboration and lifelong learning Rainbow of computer science, (129-143)
  171. Dhar V and Ghose A (2010). Research Commentary---Sponsored Search and Market Efficiency, Information Systems Research, 21:4, (760-772), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2010.
  172. ACM
    Aghaee S and Pautasso C Mashup development with HTML5 Proceedings of the 3rd and 4th International Workshop on Web APIs and Services Mashups, (1-8)
  173. ACM
    Dell'Amico M and Capra L (2010). Dependable filtering, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 29:1, (1-37), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2010.
  174. ACM
    Moscato V, Picariello A and Rinaldi A A recommendation strategy based on user behavior in digital ecosystems Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems, (25-32)
  175. ACM
    Fischer G Extending boundaries with meta-design and cultures of participation Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries, (168-177)
  176. Dellarocas C, Gao G and Narayan R (2010). Are Consumers More Likely to Contribute Online Reviews for Hit or Niche Products?, Journal of Management Information Systems, 27:2, (127-158), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2010.
  177. ACM
    Uzun A, Räck C and Steinert F Targeting more relevant, contextual recommendations by exploiting domain knowledge Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems, (57-62)
  178. ACM
    Lops P, Musto C, Narducci F, De Gemmis M, Basile P and Semeraro G MARS Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems, (24-31)
  179. ACM
    Cremonesi P, Koren Y and Turrin R Performance of recommender algorithms on top-n recommendation tasks Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Recommender systems, (39-46)
  180. ACM
    Tintarev N, Flores A and Amatriain X Off the beaten track Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices and services, (209-218)
  181. ACM
    Buechley L and Hill B LilyPad in the wild Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, (199-207)
  182. Gobernado J, Baladrón C, Aguiar J, Cadenas A, Carro B and Sánchez-Esguevillas A (2010). Management of service sessions in an NGN-SOA execution environment, IEEE Communications Magazine, 48:8, (103-109), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2010.
  183. Liu Z, Wang C, Zou Q and Wang H Clustering coefficient queries on massive dynamic social networks Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Web-age information management, (115-126)
  184. Severance C and Teasley S Preparing for the long tail of teaching and learning tools Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - Volume 1, (758-764)
  185. ACM
    Hietanen H and Turpeinen M The changing dynamics of television advertising Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video, (237-246)
  186. ACM
    Lerman K and Hogg T Using a model of social dynamics to predict popularity of news Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web, (621-630)
  187. ACM
    Panciera K, Priedhorsky R, Erickson T and Terveen L Lurking? cyclopaths? Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1917-1926)
  188. Zheng Y, Peng J, Yu Q, Huang D, Chen Y and Chen C A measurement study on user behavior of P2P VoD system Proceedings of the 2nd international Asia conference on Informatics in control, automation and robotics - Volume 3, (373-376)
  189. ACM
    Goel S, Broder A, Gabrilovich E and Pang B Anatomy of the long tail Proceedings of the third ACM international conference on Web search and data mining, (201-210)
  190. Baeza-Yates R and Raghavan P Chapter 2 Search Computing, (11-23)
  191. Fischer G (2010). End User Development and Meta-Design, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 22:1, (52-82), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2010.
  192. ACM
    Domik G Who is on my team ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009 Educators Program, (1-7)
  193. ACM
    Fernández R, Lizcano D, Ortega S and Soriano J Towards a user-centered composition system for service-based composite applications Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, (321-330)
  194. Lamoriniere C, Nafaa A and Murphy L Dynamic switching between adaptive FEC protocols for reliable multi-source streaming Proceedings of the 28th IEEE conference on Global telecommunications, (5388-5393)
  195. ACM
    Seyerlehner K, Flexer A and Widmer G On the limitations of browsing top-N recommender systems Proceedings of the third ACM conference on Recommender systems, (321-324)
  196. ACM
    Amatriain X, Pujol J, Tintarev N and Oliver N Rate it again Proceedings of the third ACM conference on Recommender systems, (173-180)
  197. ACM
    Menasché D, Aragão Rocha A, de Souza e Silva E, Meri Leão R, Towsley D and Venkataramani A (2009). Modeling chunk availability in P2P swarming systems, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 37:2, (30-32), Online publication date: 16-Oct-2009.
  198. Yang H and Lin M Use the concept of the social capital to search enterprise's competitive environment Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE international conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, (1742-1745)
  199. Cha M, Kwak H, Rodriguez P, Ahn Y and Moon S (2009). Analyzing the video popularity characteristics of large-scale user generated content systems, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 17:5, (1357-1370), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2009.
  200. Clemons E (2009). Business Models for Monetizing Internet Applications and Web Sites, Journal of Management Information Systems, 26:2, (15-41), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2009.
  201. ACM
    Motoyama M and Varghese G CrossTalk Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Online social networks, (61-68)
  202. Tsai C, Lee C and Tang S (2009). The web 2.0 movement, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 8:8, (1235-1244), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2009.
  203. Lizcano D, Soriano J, Reyes M and Hierro J (2009). A user-centric approach for developing and deploying service front-ends in the future internet of services, International Journal of Web and Grid Services, 5:2, (155-191), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2009.
  204. Tsai C, Lee C and Tang S The web 2.0 movement Proceedings of the WSEAES 13th international conference on Computers, (646-651)
  205. ACM
    Cheliotis G and Yew J An analysis of the social structure of remix culture Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Communities and technologies, (165-174)
  206. ACM
    Gorman A and Fischer G Toward an analytic framework for understanding and fostering peer-support communities in using and evolving software products Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Communities and technologies, (1-10)
  207. Morzy M On Mining and Social Role Discovery in Internet Forums Proceedings of the 2009 International Workshop on Social Informatics, (74-79)
  208. Fischer G Democratizing design Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - Volume 1, (282-286)
  209. Dick H Supporting and fostering online communities with wikis Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - Volume 2, (247-248)
  210. Collins A, Fischer G, Barron B, Liu C and Spada H Long-tail learning Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - Volume 2, (22-24)
  211. ACM
    Lam S and Riedl J Is Wikipedia growing a longer tail? Proceedings of the 2009 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, (105-114)
  212. Brenes D and Gayo-Avello D (2009). Stratified analysis of AOL query log, Information Sciences: an International Journal, 179:12, (1844-1858), Online publication date: 1-May-2009.
  213. Fischer G End-User Development and Meta-design Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on End-User Development - Volume 5435, (3-14)
  214. Lizcano D, Jiménez M, Soriano J, Cantera J, Reyes M, Hierro J, Garijo F and Tsouroulas N Leveraging the Upcoming Internet of Services through an Open User-Service Front-End Framework Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Towards a Service-Based Internet, (147-158)
  215. Ishikawa M, Geczy P, Izumi N and Yamaguchi T Long Tail Recommender Utilizing Information Diffusion Theory Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology - Volume 01, (785-788)
  216. ACM
    Shahin J and Finger M The operationalisation of e-governance Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Theory and practice of electronic governance, (24-30)
  217. ACM
    Lizcano D, Soriano J, Reyes M and Hierro J EzWeb/FAST Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, (15-24)
  218. ACM
    Singh V and Twidale M The confusion of crowds Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, (699-702)
  219. ACM
    Goecks J, Voida A, Voida S and Mynatt E Charitable technologies Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, (689-698)
  220. ACM
    Mei Q, Zhou D and Church K Query suggestion using hitting time Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management, (469-478)
  221. ACM
    Celma Ò and Herrera P A new approach to evaluating novel recommendations Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Recommender systems, (179-186)
  222. Takahashi M, Nakao T, Tsuda K and Terano T Generating Dual-Directed Recommendation Information from Point-of-Sales Data of a Supermarket Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Part II, (1010-1017)
  223. ACM
    Bernstein M, Van Kleek M, Karger D and schraefel m (2008). Information scraps, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 26:4, (1-46), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2008.
  224. ACM
    Celma Ò and Cano P From hits to niches? Proceedings of the 2nd KDD Workshop on Large-Scale Recommender Systems and the Netflix Prize Competition, (1-8)
  225. ACM
    Ketter W, Batchu A, Berosik G and McCreary D A semantic web architecture for advocate agents to determine preferences and facilitate decision making Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Electronic commerce, (1-10)
  226. Benisch M, Sadeh N and Sandholm T A theory of expressiveness in mechanisms Proceedings of the 23rd national conference on Artificial intelligence - Volume 1, (17-23)
  227. ACM
    Hogg T and Szabo G Diversity of online community activities Proceedings of the nineteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, (227-228)
  228. ACM
    Giersch S, Leary H, Palmer B and Recker M Developing a review process for online resources Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries, (457-457)
  229. ACM
    Agarwal N A study of communities and influence in blogosphere Proceedings of the 2nd SIGMOD PhD workshop on Innovative database research, (19-24)
  230. Zappen J, Harrison T and Watson D A new paradigm for designing e-government Proceedings of the 2008 international conference on Digital government research, (17-26)
  231. Jansen B, Booth D and Spink A (2008). Determining the informational, navigational, and transactional intent of Web queries, Information Processing and Management: an International Journal, 44:3, (1251-1266), Online publication date: 1-May-2008.
  232. ACM
    Ullrich C, Borau K, Luo H, Tan X, Shen L and Shen R Why web 2.0 is good for learning and for research Proceedings of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web, (705-714)
  233. ACM
    Leshed G, Haber E, Matthews T and Lau T CoScripter Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1719-1728)
  234. ACM
    Evans B and Card S Augmented information assimilation Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (989-998)
  235. ACM
    Barba E Getting mod Proceedings of the 9th workshop on Mobile computing systems and applications, (22-26)
  236. ACM
    Agarwal N, Liu H, Tang L and Yu P Identifying the influential bloggers in a community Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, (207-218)
  237. ACM
    Agichtein E, Castillo C, Donato D, Gionis A and Mishne G Finding high-quality content in social media Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, (183-194)
  238. ACM
    Mei Q and Church K Entropy of search logs Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, (45-54)
  239. ACM
    Giordano C, Modeo S, Bernardi G and Ricchiuti F Using mobile phones as remote control for ubiquitous video-recording Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia, (125-130)
  240. ACM
    Cha M, Kwak H, Rodriguez P, Ahn Y and Moon S I tube, you tube, everybody tubes Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, (1-14)
  241. ACM
    Zunjarwad A, Sundaram H and Xie L Contextual wisdom Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Multimedia, (615-624)
  242. Stefaner M, Vecchia E, Condotta M, Wolpers M, Specht M, Apelt S and Duval E MACE - enriching architectural learning objects for experience multiplication Proceedings of the Second European conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: creating new learning experiences on a global scale, (322-336)
  243. Leurdijk A Will broadcasters survive in the online and digital domain? Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video, (86-95)
  244. ACM
    Huynh D, Karger D and Miller R Exhibit Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, (737-746)
