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Jul 2018 software

Executable models for the paper "Build Systems à la Carte"


This image contains a snapshot of the "Build Systems a la Carte" project repository and all its dependencies. # Running the image Unzip the archive, obtaining file snowleopard-build.tar To load the image into Docker use the command: docker load --input snowleopard-build.tar To run it interactively use the command: docker run -it snowleopard/build . # What to check You may be interested to: * Run stack test to execute all the provided build systems on a very simple example. * Run stack haddock to generate HTML documentation of all the interfaces. * Read the code, particularly src/Build/System.hs which is the concrete implementation of all build systems. Following the imports (or the Haddock documentation) will lead you to all the constituent parts. # Further activities There aren't really any. The code served as a proving ground for ideas, and its existence both allows confirmation that our conclusions are valid, and opportunity to cheaply conduct further experiments. Although the code is a useful adjoint to the paper, it is not essential to it (other than we wouldn't have been able to discover what we did without an executable specification). # Dockerfile Created using the following Dockerfile: ``` FROM fpco/stack-build:lts-11.8 MAINTAINER Andrey Mokhov RUN wget -O RUN unzip WORKDIR /build-dbbe1322962cab3f523f61b7a6b3be57533cec44 RUN stack build && stack test RUN exit ```


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