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Coevolutionary Recommendation Model: Mutual Learning between Ratings and Reviews

Published:23 April 2018Publication History


Collaborative filtering (CF) is a common recommendation approach that relies on user-item ratings. However, the natural sparsity of user-item rating data can be problematic in many domains and settings, limiting the ability to generate accurate predictions and effective recommendations. Moreover, in some CF approaches latent features are often used to represent users and items, which can lead to a lack of recommendation transparency and explainability. User-generated, customer reviews are now commonplace on many websites, providing users with an opportunity to convey their experiences and opinions of products and services. As such, these reviews have the potential to serve as a useful source of recommendation data, through capturing valuable sentiment information about particular product features. In this paper, we present a novel deep learning recommendation model, which co-learns user and item information from ratings and customer reviews, by optimizing matrix factorization and an attention-based GRU network. Using real-world datasets we show a significant improvement in recommendation performance, compared to a variety of alternatives. Furthermore, the approach is useful when it comes to assigning intuitive meanings to latent features to improve the transparency and explainability of recommender systems.


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Index Terms

  1. Coevolutionary Recommendation Model: Mutual Learning between Ratings and Reviews



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